The Gilligans thegilligans at comcast.net
Wed Feb 10 15:39:36 EST 2010

The Friends of the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History


Ocean Observatories Monitor Critical Processes to Understand Natural and
Anthropogenic Impacts on Food Chains in Temperate, Tropical and Antarctic

Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 1:30

Cape Cod Museum of Natural History

869 Rte 6A, Brewster, MA 02631

508-896-3867 x 133    www.ccmnh.org


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 10, 2010

Contact: Gayle Kenerson 508-385-2192 or gck1 at comcast.net 


Friends of CCMNH monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at
1:00pm, followed by the program, 

Ocean Observatories Monitor Critical Processes to Understand Natural and
Anthropogenic Impacts on Food Chains in Temperate, Tropical and Antarctic


Scott Gallager and Amber York

Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Friends of CCMNH members/free, guests/$3


This talk will take you from the krill laden waters off Antarctica to the 

tropical reefs of western Panama and to the benthic communities in our own
backyard along the US Continental Shelf. New kinds of optical
instrumentation are being developed to help understand both natural and
anthropogenic impacts on ocean health such as over fishing and climate
change. Along the US Continental Shelf, the HabCam (HABitat mapping CAMera
system) is towed to survey sea scallop stocks, characterize habitat, and
monitor ecosystem change over time. Notably, discovery of areas impacted by
the invasive tunicate Didemnum vexillum is an example of drastic ecosystem
change. These invasions will be presented and visualized through a unique
application of Google Earth. 


Scott Gallager graduated from Boston University with a Ph.D. in Biology and
Oceanography. His undergraduate education in electrical engineering and 

environmental science has fueled his passion for designing and constructing
new instrumentation to measure important biological and physical
characteristics of the oceans. Scott is an avid cyclist making a daily 23
mile round trip commute from North Falmouth to Woods Hole.


Amber York graduated Magna Cum Laude from Boston University in 2006 with a
Batchelor's degree in Biology and Marine Sciences. Currently, she is a
Research Associate in Scott's lab where she is responsible for managing the
HabCam Lab, 

conducting benthic surveys, managing data processing. Amber is an
accomplished vocalist and guitarist.

1:00 Friends Meeting

1:30  Talk by Scott Gallager & Amber York

Friends/free, Guests/$3         


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