[SEMCO] Special talk on "clam gardens" as featured in National Geographic film

Melissa Lowe mlowe at massaudubon.org
Thu May 28 09:10:01 EDT 2009

Dr. John Harper, Orleans native, chronicles origins of the mysterious
"clam gardens" found in the Pacific Northwest.

The story of his discovery is featured in recent National Geographic

Dr. Harper will give special free presentation on June 10 in Wellfleet. 

South Wellfleet, MA. - Orleans native son Dr. John Harper discovered a
mystery on the "other coast" and the recent National Geographic film
Ancient Sea Gardens, Mystery of the Pacific Northwest tells the tale. In
the summer of 1995, Harper was conducting routine habitat surveys along
the British Columbia coastline which revealed hundreds of mysterious
stone-walls in the intertidal zone. Colleagues argued they were natural
features, but Harper wasn't satisfied and archaeological literature was
no help in identifying them. Thus began his research which led to a
fascinating discovery revealing insight into early aboriginal
aquaculture practices. And while visiting the Cape, Dr. Harper will
share his experiences and research during a special presentation
Wednesday, June 10 at 7:30 p.m. at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary.
The talk is free of charge and open to the public.

Dr. Harper is President of Coast and Ocean Resources Inc. and an adjunct
professor in the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences at the University of
Virginia. He grew up on Mayflower Point in Orleans and attended Tabor
Academy and the University of Massachusetts. 

The program will be held at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary and is
free of charge. For more information please call the Wellfleet Bay
Wildlife Sanctuary at 508-349-2615.

The Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary is located on the west side of
Route 6, immediately north of the Eastham/Wellfleet town line.  Trails
are open daily 8 am to dusk.  Sanctuary admission is free for members;
$5 adults, $3 children for non-members. Call (508) 349-2615 for
information or to make reservations.

Melissa Lowe, Education Coordinator 
Mass Audubon's Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary 
PO Box 236, South Wellfleet, MA 02663 
mlowe at massaudubon.org 
508-349-2615, ext 107 
Protecting the Nature of Massachusetts 

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