[SEMCO] January 2009 CZ-Mail--Year in Review, 2008
Cz-Mail, (env)
Cz-Mail at state.ma.us
Wed Jan 14 12:19:56 EST 2009
Year in Review, 2008
Welcome to the year-in-review edition of CZ-Mail, which highlights the
Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management's (CZM) accomplishments
in 2008, provides news and information about our programs and regions,
and discusses the notable achievements of our partners. CZM would like
to thank all of the people and organizations that contribute their time,
effort, and passion to working on issues important to the Massachusetts
coast. It has been a pleasure to work with you over the past year, and
we look forward to a positive and productive year in 2009.
The next regular edition of CZ-Mail will be in February. Additional
information about CZM's programs, publications, and other coastal topics
can be found at www.mass.gov/czm <http://www.mass.gov/czm/> . Please
feel free to share CZ-Mail with colleagues and friends-and if you have
any suggestions for future editions, would like your name added to the
mailing list, or would like your name removed, please email your request
to CZ-Mail at state.ma.us
<mailto:CZ-Mail at state.ma.us?subject=Januaryr%202009%20CZ-mail%20Request>
2008 Highlights
For CZM, 2008 was a year of opportunities and initiatives. In May,
Governor Deval Patrick signed the Oceans Act of 2008, which requires
Massachusetts to develop a first-in-the-nation comprehensive plan to
manage development in state waters. This effort is being spearheaded by
the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA), with
significant staff support from CZM. Also in May, CZM launched StormSmart
Coasts, a new program designed to protect people and property in coastal
floodplains from erosion and storm damage. In addition, 2008 was a big
year for No Discharge Areas (NDAs), with CZM preparing and submitting
several applications to support the goal of making all of Massachusetts
coastal waters no discharge for boat sewage. These and other CZM
highlights for 2008 are provided below.
Leslie-Ann McGee Becomes Interim Director of WBNERR
Assistant Secretary Deerin Babb-Brott to Serve as CZM Director
On December 31, EEA Secretary Ian Bowles announced the appointment of
CZM Director Leslie-Ann McGee as Interim Director of the Waquoit Bay
National Estuarine Research Reserve (WBNERR). Building on her experience
at CZM, she will assist the Patrick administration by assuming this
position and managing WBNERR's natural resource stewardship, research
and monitoring, education/training, and recreational use functions.
Leslie-Ann will be the Department of Conservation and Recreation's (DCR)
primary representative to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration's (NOAA) Estuarine Reserves Division, the National
Estuarine Research Reserve System, and National Estuarine Research
Reserves Association, and will oversee the Reserve's daily operations.
The Secretary thanked Leslie-Ann for her leadership and expertise at
CZM, where she guided the development of the StormSmart Coast
initiative, expanded coverage of the state's marine No Discharge Areas,
and played a key role in furthering ocean management by helping
establish the state's role in the Massachusetts Ocean Partnership.
Deerin Babb-Brott, who was appointed by Secretary Bowles in June as
Assistant Secretary for Oceans and Coastal Zone Management, will now
serve as CZM Director as well.
Oceans Act Launches Ocean Planning Effort
On May 28, Governor Deval Patrick signed into law the Oceans Act of 2008
<http://www.mass.gov/czm/oceanmanagement/oceans_act/index.htm> ,
requiring a comprehensive plan to manage development in state ocean
waters (see the Governor's Press Release
essrelease&f=080528_oceans&csid=Agov3> ). The bill was the result of
three years of negotiation and collaboration between the lead Senate
sponsors (Senate President Therese Murray, Senator Robert O'Leary, and
Senator Bruce Tarr), environmental groups, fishing organizations, and
other ocean users, becoming law this year with the support of the
Patrick Administration. EEA is developing the new ocean management plan,
which must be submitted in draft form to the Legislature by July 1,
2009, and completed by December 31, 2009. The Oceans Act requires an
Ocean Advisory Commission and Ocean Science Advisory Council to assist
EEA in developing the ocean management plan. In June, Deerin Babb-Brott,
Assistant Secretary and Director of the Massachusetts Environmental
Policy Act (MEPA) Office and former CZM Assistant Director, was
appointed to lead development of the ocean management plan and oversee
CZM's ongoing work as Assistant Secretary for Oceans and Coastal Zone
Management. CZM is providing technical and planning support to EEA, the
Ocean Advisory Commission, and the Ocean Sciences Council. In August,
CZM welcomed back former Boston Harbor Regional Coordinator, John Weber,
as Ocean Services Manager to coordinate these ongoing ocean planning
efforts at EEA. See the Ocean Management program section below for
further details. In addition, EEA's Massachusetts Ocean Plan website
tal+Management&L2=Massachusetts+Ocean+Plan&sid=Eoeea> provides
information on the overall planning effort.
CZM Launches StormSmart Coasts
In May, CZM launched its new StormSmart Coasts program with a series of
regional workshops. StormSmart Coasts is designed to support local
efforts to protect people and property in coastal floodplains from
erosion and storm damage. The program features an extensive StormSmart
Coasts website <http://www.mass.gov/czm/stormsmart/index.htm> , which
includes regulatory tools, case studies, planning strategies, and other
technical assistance materials. StormSmart Coasts targets municipal
officials, including staff and members of Planning Boards, Conservation
Commissions, Zoning Boards of Appeals, Departments of Public Works,
Building/Engineering Departments, Boards of Health, and emergency
management planners. Workshop highlights included presentations by
Edward A. Thomas, nationally recognized legal expert on "No Adverse
Impact," and Wes Shaw, CZM's NOAA Coastal Fellow and project manager for
this initiative. In September, CZM welcomed its new Coastal Fellow,
Daniella Hirschfeld, who will manage the implementation phase of
StormSmart Coasts where CZM will provide "direct in-community" technical
assistance to several communities to help local officials choose, apply,
and implement the tools and strategies to meet their specific floodplain
management goals. (See the Shoreline and Floodplain Management section
below for further details.)
Four New No Discharge Areas Approved in Massachusetts
Through the late spring and summer, CZM achieved significant progress
toward Governor Patrick's goal of declaring all of Massachusetts coastal
waters as no discharge for boat sewage. In May, the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) approved the state's proposal to designate the
coastal waters of Cohasset, Scituate, and Marshfield as an NDA. In June,
EPA approved the designation of the coastal waters of Salem Sound as an
NDA. The NDA applications for Boston Harbor and Cape Cod Bay were
approved by EPA in July. CZM has recently completed the application for
the Lower North Shore and is currently awaiting approval from EPA. CZM
staff are now working to prepare applications for the final three
remaining coastal areas-Upper North Shore, South Side of Cape Cod, and
Mount Hope Bay-with an anticipated completion date of December 2009. For
more on NDA activities along the coast, see CZM's NDA website
<http://www.mass.gov/czm/nda/index.htm> .
Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program
In February, NOAA approved the Massachusetts Coastal and Estuarine Land
Conservation Plan, which identifies potential priority areas for coastal
and estuarine land conservation projects within the Commonwealth. First
submitted in March 2006, an approved Coastal and Estuarine Land
Conservation Program (CELCP) plan is good for five years and will soon
be required by NOAA to receive CELCP funding for land conservation
projects. CZM led the plan development efforts with close cooperation
and participation from EEA, DCR, the Department of Fish and Game, and
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. In July, CZM nominated the Great
Neck Conservation Partnership Program in Wareham for Fiscal Year 2009
(FY09) federal CELCP funding. In November, NOAA released the prioritized
list of projects for FY09 funding and the Great Neck Project is ranked
third nationally out of 54 nominated projects. While funding decisions
are not yet final and are subject to budget appropriations, this
exceptionally high ranking puts the project in a good position for
potential funding. If funded, the project expects to receive more than
$2 million of NOAA-CELCP funding for the purchase of a conservation
easement on approximately 95 acres of undeveloped land bordering
Buzzards Bay. The funds will also leverage other funding and land
donations to create a 260-acre preserve of critical habitat and pristine
coastal resources. CZM's project partners include DCR, Mass Audubon,
Wareham Land Trust, the town of Wareham, and the Coalition for Buzzards
Bay. For more about CELCP, see CZM's CELCP website
<http://www.mass.gov/czm/celcp/index.htm> .
CZM Director Serves on United Nations Expert Panel
In 2008, CZM Director Leslie-Ann McGee was honored to serve on the
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization's
(UNESCO) Expert Panel on Marine Spatial Planning through the UNESCO
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission's Man and Biosphere Program.
The purpose of this UNESCO initiative is to help countries protect
marine biodiversity while allowing sustainable use of ocean spaces. An
operational manual, directed at resource managers and decision-makers,
is being developed and will outline the steps to implement
ecosystem-based marine spatial management. A draft will be available
early in 2009 and final guidelines will be published in May. For details
on this ongoing effort, see UNESCO's Marine Spatial Management website
<http://www.unesco-ioc-marinesp.be/> .
CZM Assistant Director Testifies at U.S. Senate Hearing on Climate
In May, the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation
held a hearing to discuss the state of U.S. climate modeling for
decision makers and other end users. Climate models allow scientists to
understand the current climate system and aid in the prediction of
climate changes. The hearing examined the current computing capacity to
process models at the regional and local scales, as well as what science
and support are needed to develop the next generation of climate models.
CZM Assistant Director Bruce Carlisle provided testimony that covered
climate change issues in the coastal zone, focusing on the priority
modeling and information needs as conveyed by coastal zone managers
around the country and highlighting the work being done in Massachusetts
to build effective coastal floodplain management strategies. In his
testimony, Carlisle described CZM's new StormSmart Coasts program
<http://www.mass.gov/czm/stormsmart/index.htm> , which is designed to
support local efforts to protect people and property in coastal
floodplains from erosion and storm damage, citing it as an example of
how state coastal programs are well positioned to synthesize current
information and provide high-quality products, services, and hands-on
assistance to communities (see full testimony
ciTrans_050808.pdf> [PDF, 3.1 MB]). Additional statements made at the
hearing are also available on the Committee's website
&Hearing_ID=4b9e0b21-1861-4a11-8527-eb72bd3bb8dd> .
Aquatic Habitat Restoration Task Force Report and Recommendations
EEA Secretary Ian Bowles released the Aquatic Habitat Restoration Task
Force's final report and recommendations in April. Entitled Charting the
Course: A Blueprint for the Future of Aquatic Habitat Restoration in
Massachusetts, the report includes six recommendations to guide the
efforts of EEA and its partners to achieve greater restoration results
for the next several years and into the next decade. In May 2007,
Secretary Bowles launched the Task Force, which was chaired by CZM
Assistant Director Bruce Carlisle. For more information, see the Aquatic
Habitat Restoration Task Force web page
<http://www.mass.gov/czm/habitat/ahrtf.htm> , which includes links to
the Task Force final report and a fact sheet providing an overview of
the report and the work of the Task Force.
CZM Mapping Tool
In July, CZM and the Massachusetts Office of Geographic and
Environmental Information <http://www.mass.gov/mgis/massgis.htm>
(MassGIS) launched MORIS, the Massachusetts Ocean Resource Information
System. This online mapping tool can be used to search and display
spatial data pertaining to the Massachusetts coastal zone. Users can
interactively view various data layers (e.g., tide gauge stations,
marine protected areas, access points, eelgrass beds, etc.) over a
backdrop of aerial photographs, political boundaries, natural resources,
human uses, bathymetry, or other data. Users can quickly create and
share maps and download the actual data for use in a Geographic
Information System (GIS). While designed for coastal management
professionals, MORIS can be used by anyone interested in these data and
maps. Check it out at www.mass.gov/czm/mapping.
Bruce Carlisle Receives Gulf of Maine Award
In June, the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment
<http://gulfofmaine.org/> presented the first Susan Snow-Cotter
Leadership Award to Bruce Carlisle, CZM Assistant Director. This award
is bestowed in memory of a long-time friend of the Council and former
Director of CZM to an individual from the region who exemplifies
outstanding leadership or exceptional mentoring. Carlisle started at CZM
in 1993 and played a critical role in developing the state's Coastal
Nonpoint Program. He worked on coastal wetland assessment projects,
pioneering the development of integrity indicators to measure salt marsh
condition, and later became manager of CZM's Wetlands Restoration
Program <http://www.mass.gov/czm/wrp/index.htm> . In 2005, Carlisle was
promoted to CZM Assistant Director, where he directs policy development,
planning efforts, and technical approaches. Most memorably, Bruce served
as CZM Acting Director during Susan's illness and after her death,
always working hard to support staff during this difficult time. See the
EEA press release
ressrelease&f=080625_pr_marine_award&csid=Eoeea> .
CZM Presents at 21st Coastal Society Conference
CZM staff attended the Coastal Society's 21st Conference held from June
29-July 2 in Los Angeles, California. As a result of CZM's exciting
ongoing work, our staff were invited to give seven presentations on the
following wide-ranging topics: Massachusetts public trust lands, coastal
structures, seafloor mapping, working waterfronts, CZM's StormSmart
Coasts program <http://www.mass.gov/czm/stormsmart/> , and integrated
ocean management. The presentations and associated discussion panels
were well received and CZM's work was noted and appreciated by the
conference participants.
Coastlines 2008
The 2008 edition of Coastlines, CZM's annual magazine, explores the
Blue-Green Connection-that is the connection between how what we do on
land impacts rivers, streams, and oceans. From choosing environmentally
friendly cleaning products to recycling trash, this issue covers a
multitude of ways we can all contribute to a cleaner and healthier
environment. Check out the Coastlines 2008 website
<http://www.mass.gov/czm/coastlines/2008/index08.htm> , or for a printed
copy, email your request to czm at state.ma.us
<mailto:czm at state.ma.us?subject=Coastlines%202008> .
Coastal States Organization Activities
The Coastal States Organization <http://www.coastalstates.org/> (CSO)
was established in 1970 and represents the 35 coastal states,
commonwealths, and territories on legislative and policy issues relating
to the sound management of coastal, Great Lakes, and ocean resources.
CZM staff participated in many CSO accomplishments in 2008 including:
* A consensus Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) reauthorization
010-31-08.pdf> (PDF, 77 KB) developed and approved by the CSO
membership in October 2008.
* A Call for Action
-6-08.pdf> (PDF, 223 KB) to identify the nation's top priorities in
protecting our oceans, coastlines, Great Lakes, and estuaries.
* The Role of Coastal Zone Management Programs in Adaptation to
Climate Change
%20Report.pdf> (PDF, 732 KB), which details results from the 2008
survey of state coastal programs to obtain up-to-date information on the
status of state coastal program efforts to address and adapt to climate
* A national statement on the importance of regional ocean
partnerships developed by the Regional Ocean Governance Workgroup,
co-chaired by Massachusetts.
Susan Snow-Cotter Awards
In February, NOAA presented the first annual Susan Snow-Cotter Award for
Excellence in Ocean and Coastal Resource Management to Brian Baird,
Assistant Secretary for the California Resources Agency, and Kathleen
Leyden, Director of Maine's Coastal Zone Management Program. This award
is given to one or more individuals who have initiated innovative
practices and brought positive change to the management of ocean or
coastal resources at either the state or national level. Mr. Baird, past
Chair of the Coastal States Organization, was recognized for his 30-year
history working on ocean and coastal management in California. Ms.
Leyden has worked extensively at the national, regional, and state
levels to increase awareness and promote key issues of coastal
management. Originally a NOAA excellence award, it was renamed to honor
CZM's former director, Susan Snow-Cotter, who was an exceptional leader
in improving both policy and management of ocean and coastal resources
on the national and state levels, and in the Gulf of Maine region. See
the NOAA press release
<http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2008/20080220_awards.html> .
CZM Program Accomplishments
CZM's mission is to balance the impact of human activities with the
protection of coastal and marine resources through planning, public
involvement, education, research, and sound resource management. To
achieve these goals, as well as to meet the needs of municipal
officials, property owners, educators, and others in the coastal
community, CZM maintains a range of programs. The 2008 accomplishments
for each of these program areas are listed below.
Ocean Management
* Ocean Planning Process Underway - The process to produce a
comprehensive plan to manage development in state ocean waters began
after the passage of the Oceans Act of 2008. The inaugural meeting of
the Ocean Advisory Commission-which is chaired by Sue Tierney, former
Environmental Affairs Secretary and past chair of the Ocean Management
Task Force <http://www.mass.gov/czm/oceanmanagement/taskforce/index.htm>
-was held in August. Secretary Bowles addressed the Commission,
encouraging them to engage the public in plan development and to set
high expectations for the plan. In September, the public input process
for the ocean plan began with a public listening session held at Faneuil
Hall in Boston, which began a series of 18 such meetings held across the
Commonwealth through October, with more than 400 people attending. In
addition to these 18 meetings, from October through December, EEA
planning staff held approximately 65 meetings with various organizations
and interest groups with a connection to the ocean. Information from
these sessions helped develop the baseline understanding of activities,
uses, and issues in the ocean planning area, and also informed the
development of the objectives of the plan. (See EEA's Massachusetts
Ocean Plan website
tal+Management&L2=Massachusetts+Ocean+Plan&sid=Eoeea> for summary
reports of the listening sessions and the interest group meetings.)
Throughout the fall, state agency workgroups worked on identifying and
characterizing available data in each of the following general subjects:
fisheries, habitat, sediment, transportation/navigation/infrastructure,
recreation and cultural resources, and renewable energy. The workgroups
included expertise from outside of state government, as appropriate, and
developed draft reports and maps for use in the ocean management plan.
(See EEA's Massachusetts Ocean Plan website
tal+Management&L2=Massachusetts+Ocean+Plan&sid=Eoeea> for the draft
reports.) In September, the Ocean Science Advisory Council met and
reviewed a proposed draft outline for the baseline assessment of the
ocean planning area as mandated by the Oceans Act. In November, members
of Ocean Advisory Commission and Science Advisory Council participated
in an ocean planning workshop that included presentations on the
background to ocean planning in Massachusetts, examples of ocean
planning activities elsewhere, and discussion of related subjects, such
as marine spatial planning and use and resource compatibility analysis.
In early December, the Ocean Advisory Commission met and discussed the
results of the public input to date, and began a discussion of the
objectives of the ocean management plan. Also in December, the Ocean
Science Advisory Council began reviewing a draft of the baseline
assessment and the agency workgroup reports. For more on the ocean
planning process, see EEA's Massachusetts Ocean Plan website
tal+Management&L2=Massachusetts+Ocean+Plan&sid=Eoeea> . To receive
periodic ocean plan updates, send an email to
join-env-oceanplan at listserv.state.ma.us.
* Northeast Regional Ocean Council - The Northeast Regional
Ocean Council <http://community.csc.noaa.gov/nroc/index.php> (NROC) is
a state and federal partnership with the goal of engaging in regional
protection and balanced use of ocean and coastal resources and includes
representatives from the following states and federal agencies:
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut,
NOAA, EPA, U.S. Department of Interior, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
U.S. Department of Agriculture, and U.S. Coast Guard. NROC had many
accomplishments in 2008, including the development of a work plan for
the three main theme areas: ocean and coastal ecosystem health; coastal
hazards resilience; and ocean energy planning and management.
* Gulf of Maine Council - The Gulf of Maine Council on the
Marine Environment <http://www.gulfofmaine.org/> is a U.S.-Canadian
partnership of government and non-government organizations working to
maintain and enhance environmental quality in the Gulf of Maine.
Massachusetts has been an active member since 1989 and chaired the
Council from July 2007 to June 2008. In 2008, CZM chaired the Council's
working group and led the Council to focus its priorities and work plan.
During this time of significantly reduced budgets, it was also necessary
to reorganize the Council's core services, including internal
coordination, fund development, information technology support, and the
Gulf of Maine Times.
* Seafloor Mapping Initiative - CZM and the U.S. Geological
Survey (USGS) continue the successful cooperative started in 2003 to map
the seafloor throughout Massachusetts. From 2003-2008, this project has
mapped more than 700 square miles of seafloor, with additional mapping
planned in Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound for 2009 and 2010,
respectively. In 2008, surveys continued along the south shore (Hull to
Duxbury) and a new funding agreement between USGS and CZM was signed to
expand the mapping program to Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound. For
additional information and preliminary results from current mapping, see
the project website
<http://woodshole.er.usgs.gov/project-pages/coastal_mass/index.htm> .
For details about Massachusetts seafloor mapping efforts, see CZM's new
Seafloor Mapping Program website
<http://www.mass.gov/czm/seafloor/index.htm> .
Shoreline and Floodplain Management
* StormSmart Coasts Website - In May, CZM launched the
StormSmart Coasts website <http://www.mass.gov/czm/stormsmart/index.htm>
, which provides an extensive assortment of tools and technical
assistance materials for local officials looking to address the
challenges arising from storms, floods, sea level rise, and climate
* StormSmart Coasts Factsheets - Also in May, CZM released the
first three StormSmart Coasts fact sheets: Introduction to No Adverse
Impact Land Management in the Coastal Zone
<http://www.mass.gov/czm/stormsmart/resources/stormsmart_nai.pdf> (PDF,
1.5 MB); No Adverse Impact and the Legal Framework of Coastal Management
(PDF, 868 KB); and the case study A Cape Cod Community Prevents New
Residences in Floodplains
(PDF, 1 MB).
* StormSmart Volunteer Receives Gulf of Maine Visionary Award -
In June, the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment
<http://gulfofmaine.org/> presented a 2008 Visionary Award-recognizing
innovation, creativity, and commitment to protecting the marine
environment-to Edward Thomas, Esquire, for his extensive pro bono
publico assistance to CZM on the StormSmart Coasts program
<http://www.mass.gov/czm/stormsmart/index.htm> . His dedication and
expertise have significantly bolstered CZM's ability to promote coastal
community resiliency through the No Adverse Impact approach.
* StormSmart Coasts Featured in Coastal Services Magazine - The
September/October 2008 issue of Coastal Services
<http://www.csc.noaa.gov/magazine/2008/05/> , a NOAA Coastal Services
Center magazine, featured "Making Massachusetts' Coast StormSmart
<http://www.csc.noaa.gov/magazine/2008/05/article1.html> ," a piece
about CZM's StormSmart Coasts program.
* Freeboard Fact Sheet - In October, CZM's StormSmart Coasts
program <http://www.mass.gov/czm/stormsmart/> released a new fact
sheet, Raise Your Home, Lower Your Monthly Payments: Protect buildings
and reduce monthly expenses with freeboard
(PDF, 172 KB). Freeboard is the practice of raising a building's lowest
floor above predicted flood elevations by a small additional height.
This cost-effective approach can lead to substantial reductions in flood
insurance premiums, significantly decrease the chances a home will be
damaged by storms and flooding, and help protect against sea level rise.
* StormSmart Coasts Begins Implementation Phase - In December,
CZM chose five pilot projects to kick off the implementation phase of
the StormSmart Coasts program <http://mass.gov/czm/stormsmart/> . The
city of Boston, the towns of Falmouth, Hull, and Oak Bluffs, and the
three-town team of Duxbury, Kingston, and Plymouth were selected to
serve as pilots for implementing coastal floodplain and sea level rise
management tools and strategies developed through StormSmart Coasts.
CZM's StormSmart Coasts team will work closely with each pilot to select
and apply the appropriate tools and strategies that address the coastal
floodplain management issues specific to each community. In addition, an
advisory team, composed of representatives from each municipality, will
be created to share information, tackle problems, and help with
overlapping matters.
* StormSmart Coasts on WBZ - In December, StormSmart Coasts was
featured in a WBZ-TV piece by Mish Michaels entitled, "Coast Towns Get
'Smart' About Living On Edge
<http://wbztv.com/projectmass/beach.erosion.coastal.2.889947.html> ."
The piece describes a program in Scituate that encourages residents in
flood prone areas to elevate their homes. Funds from the Federal
Emergency Management Agency will pay 75 percent of the costs. The
benefits of home elevation are described in a StormSmart Coasts fact
(PDF, 172 KB). See the WBZ video archive
<http://wbztv.com/video/?id=70424@wbz.dayport.com> of the piece.
Coastal Water Quality Protection
* CPR Grant Program Concludes Another Successful Year - In 2008,
CZM and EEA, through the Coastal Pollutant Remediation (CPR) Grant
Program <http://www.mass.gov/czm/cprgp.htm> , awarded $400,000 to
coastal communities to reduce nonpoint source pollution. Projects funded
included the construction of two shoreside boat waste pumpout
facilities-at Sesuit Harbor in Dennis and at McMillan Pier in
Provincetown-that were critical for the designation of the Cape Cod Bay
No Discharge Area. Communities also continue to use CPR funds to design
and install the most progressive stormwater remediation practices
including bioretention cells, tree box filters, and gravel wetlands.
FY08 CPR recipients are:
* The town of Bourne for the implementation of stormwater best
management practices (BMPs) in the Conservation Pond Watershed.
* The town of Brewster for the design of stormwater BMPs in the
Stony Brook Watershed.
* The town of Cohasset for the design and implementation of
stormwater BMPs within the James Brook Watershed.
* The town of Dennis for the design and construction of a vessel
sewage pumpout facility at Sesuit Harbor.
* The town of Duxbury for phase III of the Kingston Bay stormwater
remediation project.
* The town of Provincetown for the design and construction of a
vessel sewage pumpout facility at MacMillan Pier.
* The city of Weymouth for the assessment and design of stormwater
BMPs for Herring Brook.
For details about the grant program, including a complete review of all
of this year's projects, see the CPR web page
<http://www.mass.gov/czm/cprgp.htm> .
* CZM's Robin Lacey Named Educator of the Year by Mass Marine
Trades - In January, CZM's Robin Lacey was presented with the Educator
of the Year Award by the Massachusetts Marine Trades Association (MMTA)
in recognition of his dedicated work to help marina owners and operators
comply with existing and emerging water quality regulations. "For almost
10 years, Robin has patiently and proactively educated Massachusetts
marine businesses on their responsibilities as stewards of the coastal
environment. If one of our member firms is overwhelmed with the
complexity of a specific environmental compliance regulation, they can
count on Robin to swiftly answer their questions with clear and concise
information," said MMTA's Greg Glavin. "In doing so, he has shepherded
an entire industry in the direction of environmental compliance
solutions that are effective, attainable, and affordable," he continued.
For more on clean boating and marina operations, see CZM's Marinas in
Massachusetts web page <http://www.mass.gov/czm/marinas/index.htm> ,
which includes links to the Massachusetts Clean Marina Guide.
* Pressure Washing Guidance - In December, CZM released A Guide
to Selecting Pressure Washing Management Practices and Technologies:
Supplement to the Massachusetts Clean Marina Guide
<http://www.mass.gov/czm/marinas/pressurewashing/pw_guide.pdf> (PDF,
1.4 MB) to provide guidance to marinas and boatyards about the proper
handling and disposal of wastewater and solids generated when boat hulls
are cleaned. The guide includes a review of relevant regulations,
pressure washwater disposal options, and equipment that can be used to
minimize impacts from pressure washing practices. In January 2009, a
copy of the guide will be mailed to all Massachusetts marinas,
boatyards, and yacht clubs. For more marina and pressure washing
information, see CZM's Marinas in Massachusetts website
<http://www.mass.gov/czm/marinas/> . To request a copy, email your
request and mailing address to czm at state.ma.us
<mailto:czm at state.ma.us?subject=Pressure%20Washing%20Guidance> .
* 2008 Boaters' Guide to Tides and Pumpout Facilities - Each
year, CZM and the Division of Marine Fisheries produce the Boaters'
Guide to Tides and Pumpout Facilities. The wallet-sized pamphlet,
printed on waterproof paper, contains information on the locations of
pumpout facilities along the Massachusetts coastline and a
June-September tide chart. The 2009 guide will be available this winter.
To reserve a free copy, email your request and mailing address to
czm at state.ma.us
<mailto:czm at state.ma.us?subject=2009%20Boaters'%20Guide%20to%20Tides%20a
nd%20Pumpout%20Facilities> .
* No Discharge Area Website - In 2008, CZM updated its No
Discharge Areas (NDA) website <http://www.mass.gov/czm/nda/index.htm>
to provide convenient access to information about NDAs in Massachusetts
and to include location and contact information for the more than 100
boat pumpout facilities all along the Commonwealth's coast.
* COASTSWEEP 2008 - COASTSWEEP celebrated its 21st anniversary
in September. Part of an international effort organized by the Ocean
Conservancy, COASTSWEEP is the statewide annual beach cleanup sponsored
by CZM and the Urban Harbors Institute (UHI) of UMass Boston. On
September 20, CZM Director Leslie-Ann McGee welcomed more than 200
dedicated volunteers to kick off COASTSWEEP at the Salisbury Beach State
Reservation. See the WBZ-TV story about the cleanups and beach
trash-Beach-Goers Leave Trashy Beaches Behind
<http://wbztv.com/video/?id=67024@wbz.dayport.com> . COASTSWEEP cleanups
were held through September and October, with 2,900 volunteers cleaning
more than 130 miles of coastline, river bank, marsh, seafloor, and
lakeshore sites in Massachusetts-collecting 18,000 pounds of debris from
100 locations. CZM and UHI would like to thank all of the dedicated
volunteers that participated in COASTSWEEP 2008. For more information
about this year's efforts, see the COASTSWEEP website
<http://www.coastsweep.umb.edu/> . If you are interested in getting
involved in future COASTSWEEP cleanups, email coastsweep at umb.edu
<mailto:coastsweep at umb.edu?subject=COASTSWEEP%202009> .
Project/Federal Consistency Review
* Offshore LNG Proposals - CZM participated in several meetings
hosted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) as part of the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission pre-filing application process for
the recently proposed Weavers Cove Energy Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
Offshore Berthing project. The project proposes to construct and operate
an unloading facility in Mount Hope Bay, with a 4.25-mile submarine
transfer pipeline. CZM has also provided project comments as part of the
Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) process.
* Renewable Energy Proposals - CZM provided comments on the U.S.
Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service's Draft
Environmental Impact Statement for the Cape Wind Energy Project. This
review was conducted as part of the ongoing Federal Consistency Review.
In January, CZM completed its review of the Environmental Notification
Form for the town of Hull's proposed four-turbine array project in
waters just offshore of Nantasket Beach. Also, CZM continues to work
with Hull and the University of Massachusetts Renewable Energy Research
Laboratory to develop the project.
* Offshore Alternative Energy Programs - In September, CZM
reviewed the Minerals Management Service's Proposed Rule for Alternative
Energy and Alternative Uses of Existing Facilities on the Outer
Continental Shelf. CZM provided comments on the proposed rule as it
relates to Coastal Zone Management Act compliance, areas available for
lease, coordination with states, revenue sharing, data sharing,
mitigation conditions, performance thresholds, and reporting.
* Federal Development Activities - NOAA's National Marine
Fisheries Service asked for a Federal Consistency Determination to be
undertaken for the proposed Woods Hole Berthing project, which involves
dredging the Great Harbor entrance channel, dredging to create a
maneuvering basin/berthing area, and construction of a 550-foot-long
pile-supported pier to be used as the home port of a new NOAA fisheries
research vessel. The review was completed in August and resulted in the
beneficial reuse of dredged sand. In cooperation with the Barnstable
County Dredge, 20,000 cubic yards of sand was placed onto Menauhant
Beach in Falmouth.
* Boston Harbor Deep Draft Navigation Improvement - CZM
completed the review of the USACE/Massachusetts Port Authority proposal
to deepen the Port of Boston to allow deeper draft bulk and container
vessels to enter the port without experiencing tidal delays. The project
was designed to position the port to effectively meet current and future
needs of the cargo industry and to improve commercial viability. As part
of this project, CZM participated in the Boston Harbor Navigation
Improvement Project Technical Working Group and has suggested that this
group continue to provide technical assistance to the proponent.
Port and Harbor Planning
* Port and Harbor Planning Activities - A number of communities
are in the process or have completed work on existing or new harbor
plans in 2008. On the North Shore, the city of Lynn should receive
approval to begin development of the first Municipal Harbor Plan (MHP)
for Lynn Harbor in January 2009. The city of Gloucester continues to
work extensively with CZM and EEA to draft an MHP update that both meets
the needs of a Designated Port Area Master Plan and reflects the goals
and vision of the community. Gloucester expects to submit a plan to EEA
for review in early 2009. In June, the Salem Municipal Harbor Plan
pdf> (PDF, 670 KB) was approved by EEA. The new plan facilitates the
development of waterfront parcels in a way that meets the needs of the
community while realizing Salem's vision of drawing the public to the
harbor. In Boston Harbor, EEA issued a decision on the city of Boston's
Municipal Harbor Plan Amendment for the Charlestown Navy Yard, which
lays out a conceptual framework to improve public access and allows for
year-round access to the Harborwalk and waterfront areas of the Navy
Yard, preserving many interior and exterior public facilities for
civic/cultural uses. See the full EEA decision
cision_04-04-08.pdf> (PDF, 175 KB). In East Boston, the Boston
Redevelopment Authority submitted an Amendment to the East Boston MHP
with site-specific substitutions, offsets, and other public benefits for
three projects from the McArdle Bridge to Jeffries Point. On the South
Shore, CZM provided harbor planning technical assistance services to the
towns of Hingham, Hull, and Scituate. In Scituate, CZM partnered with
the Waterways Commission and Harbormasters office to develop and present
an initial public informational meeting regarding the development of a
harbor management plan. On the Cape and Islands, Nantucket is in the
final stages of developing a state-approved harbor plan. A draft plan
has been developed, and extensive public hearings have been held.
Nantucket is making final revisions to the plan, and expects to submit
the final plan for approval this spring. Provincetown has begun work on
updating their existing MHP. Town representatives have met with CZM and
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) for
guidance. A draft plan will be developed over the next six months. On
the South Coast, New Bedford and Fairhaven selected a harbor plan
renewal consultant and formally kicked off the planning process in
January. Numerous meetings were held, including a broad public meeting
and several thematic workshops on topics such as recreational boating,
commercial fishing, dredging, and tourism/public access and the
environment. The city and town anticipate submission of a formal draft
plan for review by CZM in early 2009. For more information about CZM's
harbor planning efforts, contact CZM's Regional Coordinators
<http://www.mass.gov/czm/regions.htm> .
Shoreline Public Access
* Access Locator Updates - In 2008, CZM expanded its Online
Locator of Coastal Public Access Sites
<http://www.mass.gov/czm/access/products/access_locator.htm> (Access
Locator), the statewide inventory of publicly accessible waterfront
properties developed in coordination with MassGIS
<http://www.mass.gov/mgis/> . Previously limited to shorelands owned by
government agencies and nonprofit land conservation organizations, the
Access Locator now includes numerous privately owned sites where
nonwater-dependent development has been required to provide walkways and
other public open spaces, as a condition of a MassDEP Chapter 91
License. In addition to maps, the Access Locator offers printable
descriptions about each property including parking information,
directions, photos, and a list of facilities. For these new "Chapter 91"
sites, users can view licenses, site plans, and conditions governing the
public access benefits. CZM welcomes comments and suggestions at
czm at state.ma.us
<mailto:czm at state.ma.us?subject=Access%20Locator%20Updates> .
Aquatic Invasive Species
* Marine Invasive Species Workshop - In April, CZM's Aquatic
Invasive Species (AIS) Program and the Northeast Aquatic Nuisance
Species Panel hosted a workshop on monitoring for marine invasive
species at the New England Aquarium. The free workshop was attended by
more than 60 participants, and focused on monitoring methods,
identification of marine invaders, and the latest mapping technologies
being applied to invasive species monitoring. To get involved in marine
invasive species monitoring, please contact Adrienne Pappal at
adrienne.pappal at state.ma.us
<mailto:adrienne.pappal at state.ma.us?subject=Marine%20Invasive%20Species%
20Workshop> .
* Marine Invasive Monitoring and Information Collaborative
Expands - CZM's Marine Invasive Monitoring and Information Collaborative
<http://www.mass.gov/czm/invasives/monitor/mimic.htm> (MIMIC) is a
volunteer early detection and monitoring program that focuses on 20
non-native marine species. In 2008, with the help of local and regional
partners, MIMIC has trained close to 100 volunteers and expanded the
network to include 50 sites across coastal Massachusetts, New Hampshire,
and Maine. All data collected by MIMIC are available online through the
Marine Invader Tracking System
<http://www.mass.gov/czm/invasives/monitor/mitis.htm> (MITIS), a
partnership between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Sea
Grant College Program and CZM. For details, or for more information on
becoming a local partner or volunteer, contact Adrienne Pappal at
adrienne.pappal at state.ma.us
<mailto:adrienne.pappal at state.ma.us?subject=Marine%20Invasive%20Monitori
ng%20and%20Information%20Collaborative> .
* Marine Invasive Species Monitoring Guide - In December, CZM's
AIS Program released a new resource for groups that monitor marine
invasive species. Developed as the primary guidance document for MIMIC,
Monitoring Marine Invasive Species: Guidance and Protocols for Volunteer
Monitoring Groups
<http://www.mass.gov/czm/invasives/docs/mimic_guide_web.pdf> (PDF, 2.3
MB) includes information on site selection, monitoring protocols,
safety, and identification resources. For details, contact Adrienne
Pappal at adrienne.pappal at state.ma.us
<mailto:adrienne.pappal at state.ma.us?subject=Marine%20Invasive%20Species%
20Monitoring%20Guide> .
* Chronicle Features Invasives - In December, Chronicle, the
daily news magazine on Channel 5, featured a story about invasive
species in New England. The episode, "Invasion!," features the troubling
invasive tunicate, Didemnum vexillum, which was first discovered in the
Gulf of Maine in the late 1980s and has since rapidly colonized many
nearshore and offshore areas, including portions of Georges Bank. With
no known predators, Didemnum has the potential to overgrow other marine
organisms and smother critical habitat. CZM's Aquatic Invasive Species
Program <http://www.mass.gov/czm/invasives/index.htm> was highlighted
in its efforts to develop early detection, monitoring, and rapid
response capabilities, including the volunteer-based Marine Invader
Monitoring and Information Collaborative
<http://www.mass.gov/czm/invasives/monitor/mimic.htm> . For a summary of
the episode, see the Chronicle
Emergency Management
* 30th Anniversary of the Blizzard of '78 - On the morning of
Monday, February 6, 1978, the National Weather Service (NWS) announced
that a "Snow Watch" was in effect for southern New England. For coastal
communities, the weather indicators were only slightly more serious, as
the NWS issued "Gale Warnings." With these rather tame weather reports,
New Englanders went about their day, never expecting to be confronted
with what turned out to be the most destructive winter storm in the
history of the Commonwealth. The blizzard was most severe in the eastern
half of the state, where accumulations ranged from more than 25 inches
in Boston to as much as 54 inches in some of our southern communities.
The storm has been commemorated in a number of books and the
Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency has developed a Blizzard of
'78: Thirty Year Anniversary web page
hirty_year_anniversary&csid=Eeops> about the storm, which includes
detailed descriptions of its impacts and statistics. In addition, CZM's
Blizzard of '78 Gallery <http://www.mass.gov/czm/blizzard78.htm>
features 37 compelling images of this storm of the century.
* CZM Emergency Management in 2008 - CZM's Joe Pelczarski serves
as EEA's representative to the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency
(MEMA). For emergency events, Joe coordinates EEA's communications and
response activities from the MEMA Emergency Operations Center in
Framingham. Events in 2008 included coastal storms in January and March.
In other efforts, CZM participated in: the Massachusetts Recovery
Alliance created by Governor Patrick to coordinate planning for recovery
after a disaster and the Massachusetts Flood Task Force to examine flood
planning and preparedness in the Commonwealth. CZM staff also
participated in updating the Continuity of Operations (COOP) and
Continuity of Government (COG) Planning for EEA to reflect the expanded
Secretariat that now includes energy. For more information on emergency
management, see MEMA's website <http://www.mass.gov/mema> .
Wetlands Restoration
* Wetlands Restoration Grants - In 2008, CZM's Wetlands
Restoration Program <http://www.mass.gov/czm/wrp/> (WRP) selected nine
proposals to receive awards totaling $200,000 under its FY08 Wetland
Restoration Grants for Priority Projects. Funds will be used by
recipients to support construction-related activities and monitoring at
designated Priority Project restoration sites. Construction-related
grants were awarded to the towns of Cohasset, Marshfield, and Plymouth,
and monitoring grants were awarded to the Association to Preserve Cape
Cod in Barnstable, the Cohasset Center for Student Coastal Research, the
Lloyd Center for the Environment in Dartmouth, Mass Audubon in Wenham,
the Nantucket Conservation Foundation, and Salem Sound Coastwatch in
Salem. For more information, including summary descriptions of each
grant award, see the EEA press release
ressrelease&f=080410_pr_coastal_grants&csid=Eoeea> .
* Completed Restoration Projects - In 2008, WRP marked the
completion of four restoration projects along the Commonwealth's coast.
In June, project partners came together to celebrate the Sesuit Creek
Restoration Project in Dennis-the largest salt marsh restoration
completed to date in Massachusetts. The project replaced a small failing
pipe with two large culverts, increasing flow capacity by 60 times and
restoring natural tidal conditions to the 65-acre marsh. In October, EEA
Secretary Bowles joined project partners to celebrate the salt marsh
restoration at South Cape Beach State Park, which was completed in the
spring. The project replaced two culverts, which improved tidal exchange
to 15 acres of marsh. Also completed in 2008 was the Bass Creek project
in Yarmouth, which restored tidal flow to a degraded 35-acre salt marsh
by replacing an undersized culvert with a walking bridge over an open
channel. In December, tidal flows were restored to approximately 18
acres of the Medouie Creek salt marsh on Nantucket. Seawater flow into
the marsh, located in the northeast corner of Nantucket, had been cut
off by dikes traversing two sides of the marsh. A large box culvert and
a broad, low swale were installed to ensure proper drainage of
freshwater out of, and adequate high tidal flows into, the marsh. For
more information about these projects, see the WRP website
<http://www.mass.gov/czm/wrp/index.htm> .
* Funding Awards for Restoration Partners - WRP helped project
partners secure numerous funding awards in 2008 from federal restoration
programs and other sources. Examples include a $1 million U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (USFWS) National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant
for the Eel River Headwaters restoration project in Plymouth; a $400,000
USFWS North American Waterfowl Conservation Act Grant for the Newman
Road Salt Marsh Restoration Project in Newbury (part of a $1 million
grant in partnership with the Essex County Greenbelt Association); and a
$150,000 Natural Resources Conservation Service Wildlife Habitat
Incentives Program agreement for the Thissell Marsh Restoration Project
in Beverly.
* Sesuit Creek Project Receives Coastal America Award - In
December, the Sesuit Project Team was notified that it will receive a
2008 Coastal America Partnership Award
<http://www.coastalamerica.gov/text/awards.html> "for outstanding
efforts to restore and protect the coastal environment." Coastal America
is a collaboration of federal, state, and local governments and private
alliances to address environmental problems along our nation's coasts.
WRP played a lead role in completing this 65-acre salt marsh restoration
in Dennis. Other core team members are the town of Dennis, NOAA's
National Marine Fisheries Service, the Natural Resources Conservation
Service, USFWS, and the NOAA-Gulf of Maine Council Partnership. A
ceremony will be held in early 2009 with a Principal from Coastal
America to present the award on behalf of the President of the United
* Friends of Herring River Website - The Friends of Herring
River is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the restoration
and ongoing environmental vitality of the Herring River Estuary in
Wellfleet and Truro. The new Friends of Herring River website
<http://www.friendsofherringriver.org/> provides information about the
Friends' initiatives, links to the new eNewsletter, and other news and
resources. The Herring River Estuary Restoration is a priority project
of CZM's Wetlands Restoration Program
<http://www.mass.gov/czm/wrp/projects_pages/priority_projects.htm> .
Underwater Archaeological Resources
* Archaeological Site Work - Fieldwork opportunities were
frequent in 2008 for the Massachusetts Board of Underwater
Archaeological Resources (BUAR). In collaboration with UMass-Boston and
local watermen, BUAR conducted a preliminary archaeological survey of
Marblehead Harbor. The survey used magnetometer, side-scan sonar, and
sub-bottom profiler in an attempt to locate the remains of the
Revolutionary War Privateer Freemason (1779). During June, with
assistance from American Underwater Search and Survey and a BUAR
research fellow from Flinder's University (Adelaide, Australia), BUAR
searched for a China trade shipwreck off Cape Cod. In addition, BUAR has
been working with several groups of recreational divers to create
volunteer diver programs including two pilot investigations-one of the
lime schooner A.H. Heaton (1907) in Boston's outer harbor and the other
of Native American mishoons (dugout canoes) in Lake Quinsigamond,
Worcester. For more information about underwater archaeology in the
Commonwealth, see the BUAR website
<http://www.mass.gov/czm/buar/index.htm> .
* BUAR Director Mastone Appointed to Federal MPA Committee - In
March, BUAR Director Victor Mastone was appointed to NOAA's Marine
Protected Areas (MPA) Federal Advisory Committee. The committee is made
up of individuals with diverse backgrounds and experience, who represent
parties interested in the use of MPAs as a management tool. Mastone was
selected to represent the cultural resource interests and perspectives
on the committee and will serve until 2011. For more information, see
the committee's website <http://mpa.gov/mpafac/fac.html> and the NOAA
press release
<http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2008/20080321_protected.html> .
* Archaeology Month - October was Massachusetts Archaeology
Month and BUAR participated in several events. The Archaeological
Institute of America's Archaeology Fair was held at the Boston Museum of
Science and BUAR assisted with several presentations including a mock
"dig" of a shipwreck. In Orleans at the Snow Library's Lifetime Learning
Lecture series on Cape Cod Shipwrecks, BUAR Director Mastone gave the
presentation "Massachusetts Submerged History." BUAR also co-sponsored a
two-day event in partnership with the Stellwagen Bank National Marine
Sanctuary and the Cape Cod Maritime Museum that featured "WSI: Wreck
Scene Investigation," a hands-on set of educational activities for kids
that included a mock shipwreck "dig" along with equipment exhibits and
* Publications - BUAR Director Victor Mastone authored an
article for the autumn 2008 issue of Sea History
<http://www.seahistory.org/html/seahistorymagazine.htm> , the quarterly
magazine of the National Maritime Historical Society. "Marine Debris or
Shipwreck Tale? The Mystery at Newcomb Hollow Beach, Cape Cod" describes
the research on this unknown shipwreck recently discovered in Wellfleet.
Also, Mastone co-edited the Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology's
Underwater Archaeology Proceedings 2008
<http://www.lulu.com/content/4124479> from the Society for Historical
Archaeology's annual conference held in January.
CZM Regional Offices
Coastal management at the local level is the bedrock of the CZM program,
and CZM works closely with communities to ensure that local
decision-making is based on sound coastal management principles. CZM
serves as a liaison between federal and state programs and municipal
authorities on key issues, coordinates regional environmental management
initiatives, performs Federal Consistency Review, and provides technical
assistance. CZM's regions are North Shore, Boston Harbor, South Shore,
Cape Cod & Islands, and South Coastal-and the 2008 accomplishments for
each region are provided below.
North Shore (Salisbury to Revere)
* Salem Sound No Discharge Area Approved - In June, EPA approved
the state's proposal to designate the coastal waters of Salem Sound as
an NDA. The ban on discharge of all boat sewage would apply to the state
waters of Manchester-by-the-Sea, Beverly, Danvers, Salem, and
Marblehead. For more on NDA activities along the coast, see CZM's NDA
website <http://www.mass.gov/czm/nda/index.htm> .
* Eelgrass Management in Gloucester - In 2008, CZM released a
fact sheet and a report that provide details on efforts to restore
eelgrass in Gloucester. The Eelgrass Habitat Restoration in the
Annisquam River <http://www.mass.gov/czm/docs/pdf/eelgrass.pdf> (PDF,
402 KB) fact sheet describes the efforts of CZM and its partners to
study the potential to restore this valuable habitat. Also, CZM's Tony
Wilbur and co-authors published the report Adaptive Management for
Impacts to Eelgrass Habitat in Gloucester Harbor
<http://seagrant.mit.edu/media/publications/MITSG_07_11.pdf> (PDF, 2.1
MB), which summarizes the effort in 2006-2007 to create an eelgrass
bank, raise awareness of the value of eelgrass habitat, and facilitate
transplanting efforts to Boston Harbor.
* Technical Assistance - In 2008, CZM staff continued to work
with the cities of Salem, Lynn, and Gloucester to update or develop
Municipal Harbor Plans or waterfront development plans to promote and
facilitate water-dependent uses of harbor areas. CZM also continued to
coordinate the very popular North Shore Regional Conservation Commission
and Health Agents Networks, with more than 25 participating communities.
Through the networks, CZM provides regular training for North Shore
Conservation Commissions, Boards of Health, and their staff; facilitates
coordination between the cities and towns and state agencies; and
supplies an avenue for discussion of new regulatory and policy tools.
CZM also worked with EPA, Safer Waters in Massachusetts, Saugus River
Watershed Association, and the communities of Revere, Lynn, Saugus,
Nahant, and Swampscott to prepare the recently submitted application to
designate the Lower North Shore region as a No Discharge Area. CZM's
North Shore Regional Coordinator continues to work with regional staff
of the Eight Towns and the Bay Committee to prepare the NDA application
for the Upper North Shore region, which includes 16 communities from
Gloucester to Salisbury, and up the Merrimack River to Lawrence. CZM
expects to submit an application to EPA later this spring.
Boston Harbor (Winthrop to Weymouth)
* Boston Harbor No Discharge Area Approved - In July, EPA
approved the state's proposal to designate the coastal waters of Boston
Harbor as an NDA. The ban on discharge of all boat sewage applies to the
state waters of Winthrop, Chelsea, Everett, Boston, Quincy, Milton,
Weymouth, Braintree, Hingham, and Hull, including the waters of the
Charles River in Watertown, Newton, and Cambridge.
* South Bay Harbor Trail - In the fall of 2008, the South Bay
Harbor Trail <http://www.southbaytrail.com/> was completed, greatly
enhancing pedestrian access to Boston Harbor. Made possible through
several public-private partnerships, this "wayfinding" bike trail-marked
by a series of U.S. Coast Guard buoys-starts in Roxbury, runs through
the South End and Chinatown, and connects directly to the South Boston
* Parcel E - In 2008, the Parcel E project began site
preparation to make way for the new mixed-use project that will replace
the old Jimmy's Harborside Restaurant adjacent to the World Trade Center
in South Boston. The new facility will include four restaurants and
enhanced public access along the South Boston waterfront.
* Technical Assistance - In 2008, CZM continued to work with the
Boston Redevelopment Authority to develop a Municipal Harbor Plan for
the East Boston waterfront. CZM participated in the Technical Working
Group for two Boston Harbor dredging projects that include maintenance
of the Inner Harbor and long-range plans for the deepening of the
federal navigation channel.
South Shore (Hingham to Plymouth)
* South Shore No Discharge Area Approved - In May, EPA approved
the designation of the coastal waters of Cohasset, Scituate, and
Marshfield as an NDA. The ban on discharge of all boat sewage would also
apply in the North and South Rivers and adjacent coastal waters. This
designation will help protect these coastal waters and will complement
the ongoing local clean water initiatives, such as municipal sewering
projects, new stormwater best management practices, and the adoption of
stormwater bylaws.
* Straits Pond Restoration Project - In 2008, CZM continued to
work with the Straits Pond Watershed Association and the towns of Hull,
Cohasset, and Hingham on the Straits Pond Restoration Project, which
seeks to restore tidal exchange to a severely impaired 94-acre coastal
salt pond through the reconstruction and enlargement of a culvert
between the Weir River estuary and Straits Pond. The $2.69 million
construction phase of this project, expected be begin in early spring
2009, will be administered by the Massachusetts Highway Department.
* Scituate Coastal Inundation and Visualization Project - In
2008, CZM continued to work with project partners including NOAA, the
National Weather Service, the Gulf of Maine Ocean Observing System,
UMass Boston, DCR, and the town of Scituate on a project that seeks to
better communicate flood and storm damage risk to hazard-prone areas
within Scituate through storm surge modeling, flooding visualization
imagery, tidal elevation monitoring, post-storm flood and storm damage
impact documentation, and other methods.
* Technical Assistance - In 2008, CZM provided technical, grant
writing, and coordination assistance to a number of regionally
significant wetland restoration and stewardship projects. These efforts
included preliminary feasibility and monitoring assessments for Broad
Cove in Hingham; design, permitting, and monitoring for Parker Avenue
Cut in Cohasset; monitoring and permitting for Musquashcut Pond in
Scituate; design, permitting, and monitoring in Green Harbor River in
Marshfield; and the compilation of historical and existing condition
information for Ellisville Harbor in Plymouth.
Cape Cod & Islands (Bourne to Provincetown and the Islands)
* Cape Cod Bay No Discharge Area Approved - In July, EPA
approved the designation of the coastal waters of Cape Cod Bay as an
NDA. The discharge ban applies to the bayside coastal waters of
Marshfield, Duxbury, Plymouth, Bourne, Sandwich, Barnstable, Yarmouth,
Dennis, Brewster, Orleans, Eastham, Wellfleet, Truro, and Provincetown.
* Coastal Conservation Commission Training - The Woods Hole Sea
Grant program, in collaboration with the Massachusetts Association of
Conservation Commissions (MACC), has developed a new web-based training
module entitled, Coastal Conservation Commission Training: Making
Decisions Based on Law and Science. This training module, developed with
funding from the National Sea Grant Law Center, expands the standard
training that Conservation Commission members receive. Provided as
PowerPoint presentations with accompanying audio, the coastal module
presents details about the law, the science, and the regulations-all
specifically tailored toward coastal geology, coastal processes, and
application of the state Wetland Protection Regulations for coastal
resource areas. Also included is a discussion of who's who in the
Massachusetts coastal community, featuring CZM's Cape Cod Regional
Coordinator, Steve McKenna. Check it out on the MACC website
* Technical Assistance - In 2008, CZM continued to provide
support to the 23 communities in the Cape & Islands region. CZM
coordinates a Cape & Islands Conservation Commission Network and
provides ongoing technical assistance to local conservation commissions.
CZM staff assisted local harbormasters and waterways committees on a
variety of dredge related issues, including facilitation of a federal,
state, and local agency workgroup to develop greater flexibility in the
time-of-year restrictions for certain types of dredge projects. CZM
coordinated numerous agency pre-application meetings to offer project
specific feedback on large projects within the region. CZM worked with
the Pleasant Bay Alliance and the towns of Chatham, Orleans, Harwich,
and Brewster to assess changes to the Pleasant Bay system resulting from
the recent breach in the barrier beach. Work includes detailed flood
studies, hydrographic survey work, and the development of a
comprehensive sediment management plan for the Bay.
South Coastal (Wareham to Seekonk)
* Technical Assistance - In 2008, CZM provided Buzzards Bay
communities with a detailed presentation on the sea floor mapping
project that will be conducted in Buzzards Bay and Martha's Vineyard
Sound beginning in the summer of 2009. CZM and BBNEP continued to work
closely with other state and federal agencies on the Shoreline and
Aquatic Resources Technical Working Groups of the Natural Resource
Damages Assessment team to quantify damages and identify potential
restoration opportunities related to the 2003 Bouchard oil spill in
Buzzards Bay. Also, CZM continued to work closely with the city of New
Bedford, the town of Fairhaven, MassDEP, and EPA on navigational
dredging activities in New Bedford Harbor. This included providing
guidance to municipalities with MEPA proposals to expand the size of the
dredge material disposal area within the harbor, as well as
participating in the plans to create and define the use of a second
confined aquatic disposal (CAD) facility in the harbor. CZM also
provided technical assistance to the Fairhaven Conservation Commission
on strategies for dock and pier management. Finally, CZM continued to be
a resource for municipalities, other agencies, and the public on coastal
issues and concerns in the area.
National Estuary Programs
CZM administers two National Estuary Programs (NEPs), the Buzzards Bay
National Estuary Program and the Massachusetts Bays Program (MBP). The
Buzzards Bay NEP <http://www.buzzardsbay.org/> works to protect and
restore water quality and living resources in Buzzards Bay and its
watershed. The Massachusetts Bays Program
<http://www.mass.gov/envir/massbays> works collaboratively to emphasize
the local role in protecting Massachusetts and Cape Cod Bays and
develops innovative models for improving resource protection.
Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program <http://www.buzzardsbay.org/>
* Buzzards Bay Grants - In 2008, the Buzzards Bay NEP continued
its core mission to provide grants and technical assistance to Buzzards
Bay municipalities. In March, the NEP awarded $104,000 in state and
federal funds to six municipalities to enhance coastal wetlands,
conserve open space, and improve the environmental quality of estuaries
within the Buzzards Bay watershed. Recipients of these awards were the
city of New Bedford and the towns of Rochester, Marion, Acushnet,
Fairhaven, and Mattapoisett. (See the EEA press release
ressrelease&f=080311_pr_buzzards_bay&csid=Eoeea> .) In December, the
program awarded more than $131,000 in federal funds to seven
municipalities. Recipients of these awards were the towns of Fairhaven,
Acushnet, Wareham, Bourne, and Rochester and the city of New Bedford.
The second round of grants will help these communities protect and
restore wetlands, habitat, and open space; test and design treatment
solutions for stormwater discharges; and restore a herring run. (See the
EEA press release
ressrelease&f=081226_pr_buzzards&csid=Eoeea> .)
* Technical Assistance - In 2008, the Buzzards Bay NEP continued
to assist municipalities with development of local regulatory protection
strategies, review local projects, and help program partners to prepare
grant applications and restoration plans for state and federal grant
programs. These efforts are part of the NEP's ongoing effort to
implement recommendations contained in a comprehensive watershed
management plan to protect and restore water quality and living
resources in Buzzards Bay and its surrounding watershed.
Massachusetts Bays Program <http://www.mass.gov/envir/massbays>
* Climate Ready Estuaries - Along with five other NEPs, the
Massachusetts Bays Program was selected to host a pilot project of EPA's
Climate Ready Estuaries <http://www.epa.gov/cre/> initiative in May.
MBP is currently working with EPA in designing and completing a climate
change vulnerability assessment for the coastal zone of Massachusetts
and Cape Cod Bays. Upon completion of the vulnerability assessment, the
information gathered will help to revise the Massachusetts Bays
Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan so that strategies and
actions address the anticipated impacts of climate change.
* Stephen B. Gersh Stewardship Award - In June, MBP presented
the bi-annual Stephen B. Gersh Stewardship Award to Russ Vickers,
recognizing his contributions, time commitment, energy, and skills to
help realize the MBP's vision of improving the health of coastal
habitats in Massachusetts. His tireless work has resulted in notable
environmental accomplishments within the Salem Sound watershed area. In
addition to serving on the MBP's Management and Executive Committees,
Russ served on the board of Salem Sound Coastwatch
<http://www.salemsound.org/> . Founded in 2001, the Stephen B. Gersh
Award is presented to a citizen who demonstrates dedication, creative
problem-solving skills, and long-range vision for the betterment of the
environment both locally and beyond.
* No Discharge Areas - MBP has been actively engaged in the NDA
designation process throughout Massachusetts and Cape Cod Bays. In 2008,
MBP regional staff worked with communities on efforts to successfully
designate NDAs in Cape Cod Bay, Salem Sound, and the South Shore. MBP
continues to provide assistance with the Upper North Shore designation,
which is anticipated by the end of 2009.
* MBP Program Evaluation a Success - In 2008, MBP successfully
completed a triennial evaluation of the program, a requirement to ensure
continued federal funding. The overall review process involves
meticulous documentation of program implementation and effectiveness.
MBP submitted its review package to EPA in February. In July, EPA
conducted an onsite visit as the final component of the review. Through
the three-day visit, MBP hosted a team of EPA staff and peers from other
NEPs who met with CZM and EEA staff and viewed implementation projects
in the Salem Sound and Eight Towns and the Bay regions. In November, MBP
received notification that it had passed the review. The evaluation
report included an overview of the program, key accomplishments over the
last few years, and several suggested recommendations that should be
addressed in the next three-year cycle.
* Habitat Enhancement Achievements - MBP staff are involved in
numerous habitat improvement projects. The following, which are included
in the National Estuary Program habitat database for FY08, represent
improvements to almost 1,500 acres of coastal habitat:
* Mill River, Gloucester - Efforts are underway to return this
former freshwater pond to a saltwater estuary through the restoration of
tidal flow. Studies of mudflat clams will be monitored to measure
project success. Partners include the city of Gloucester, WRP, Corporate
Wetlands Restoration Partnership, and NOAA's Community-Based Restoration
* Great Marsh, Upper North Shore - MBP staff are working to
improve conditions in the high marsh of the upper Great Marsh, more than
500 acres of marsh impacted by emergent stands of the invasive plant,
Phragmites. Through the use of chemicals, fire, and cutting, Phragmites
is being removed in order to restore the marsh to a more natural state.
Partners include the town of Newbury, Ducks Unlimited, Parker River
National Wildlife Refuge, and the Essex County Greenbelt Association.
* Town Creek, Salisbury - MBP staff are working on this culvert
repair project to address tidal flow in Town Creek to enable better
control and more extensive tidal flushing to restore a brackish
salt/freshwater coastal marsh that is currently overgrown by Phragmites
due current tidally restrictive infrastructure. Partners include the
town of Salisbury, NOAA, and WRP.
* Upper Shawme Pond, Sandwich - MBP staff are assisting partners
in the town of Sandwich to restore the Upper Shawme Pond Fish Run, the
only active herring run remaining in Sandwich. The pond used to be the
spawning ground for alewife and eels before the fish run ceased to
function due to low flow. As part of a dam reconstruction project, an
Alaskan steep pass fish ladder will be installed to restore fish access.
Additional partners include the Association to Preserve Cape Cod, Gulf
of Maine Council, NOAA Habitat Restoration Center, National Association
of Counties, and the state's Division of Marine Fisheries.
* Green Harbor, Marshfield - The goal of this tide gate
replacement project is to improve water quality and wildlife habitat and
restore natural hydrology to the Green Harbor River. Partners include
the North and South Rivers Watershed Association, the town of
Marshfield, and WRP. CZM and students from Whitman/Hanson High School,
led by Laurie Bianchi, assisted with data collection.
Staff & People
In looking back over this year of changes, CZM welcomes the new members
of the coastal management team and wishes the best of luck to those who
have moved on to new opportunities.
Coastal Shoreline and Floodplain Manager - In April, Andrea Cooper
became CZM's new Coastal Shoreline and Floodplain Manager and will serve
as the lead for developing and implementing state policy and municipal
technical assistance programs to promote sound land-use principles in
areas threatened by coastal erosion and flooding. For the last three
years, Andrea was the Smart Growth Coordinator for CZM and EEA. In this
role she catalogued, developed, and distributed planning, technical,
regulatory, and outreach tools to community officials and development
industry professionals for real-world growth management-receiving a 2007
Commonwealth Employee Performance of the Year Award for her efforts.
Before that, Andrea was CZM's North Shore Regional Coordinator for nine
years. Her accomplishments included co-founding the Green Neighborhoods
Alliance, which received a 2004 EPA New England Environmental Merit
Award for its work to reshape suburban growth by promoting open space
and environmental resource protection through creative and flexible
cluster development approach.
Legislative Coordinator - In April, Mary-Lee King left CZM to join the
Department of Fish and Game team as Legislative Director. In her four
years at CZM, Mary-Lee focused on a variety of legislative issues and
special projects, including the ocean management legislation, the
Coastal Hazards Commission, and No Discharge Areas.
Mass Bays Outreach Coordinator - In May, Peter Hanlon left the
Massachusetts Bays National Estuary Program after five years as Policy
and Outreach Coordinator. During his time with Mass Bays, Peter worked
on improving the program website and developing outreach materials for
both the Think Blue (stormwater information for the public) and
Greenscapes (environmental landscaping) campaigns. In September, MBP
welcomed Carole McCauley as the new Outreach and Policy Coordinator.
Carole worked previously with the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary
Program in Florida as the Watershed Action Volunteer Coordinator and
with the Environmental Awareness Group of the U.S. Peace Corps in
Antigua. Most recently, she finished a second master's degree at the
Florida Institute of Technology and worked as an environmental planning
and implementation manager in Montserrat.
AIS Program Intern - In June, CZM welcomed Alex Boeri as the Aquatic
Invasive Species (AIS) Program Summer Intern. Alex assisted program
staff in monitoring for marine invasive species at several locations
along the coast of Massachusetts.
Wetlands Restoration Planner - In August, Beth Suedmeyer left CZM's
Wetlands Restoration Program to join DCR's Areas of Critical
Environmental Concern (ACEC) Program as their Inland ACEC Coordinator.
While working with WRP as a Restoration Planner, Beth contributed to
several key projects, including the Aquatic Habitat Restoration Task
Force Report, Great Marsh Coastal Wetlands Restoration Plan, and the
Purple Loosestrife Biocontrol Project.
Ocean Services Manager - In August, CZM welcomed back John Weber as the
Ocean Services Manager, filling a critical policy, planning, and
coordinating role for the ocean planning efforts of EEA. John has spent
the last two years working for the Maine Coastal Program on wind energy
and coastal land-use issues. He also served as CZM's Boston Harbor
Regional Coordinator in 2005-2006, where he played key roles in
developing harbor plans for the Charlestown Navy Yard and the Fort Point
Marine Spatial Planner - In September, CZM welcomed Emily Chambliss as a
Marine Spatial Planner. Emily will provide mapping assistance with CZM's
ocean planning efforts and will be developing new GIS data layers for
MORIS <http://www.mass.gov/czm/mapping/index.htm> , the Massachusetts
Ocean Resource Information System. Emily received her master's of
environmental management from Duke University's Nicholas School of the
Environment and Earth Sciences and her bachelor's from Boston College.
NOAA Coastal Fellow - In September, CZM bid farewell to Wes Shaw, our
2006-2008 Coastal Management Fellow from NOAA's Coastal Services Center
(CSC). Wes was the mastermind behind CZM's nationally acclaimed
StormSmart Coasts program <http://www.mass.gov/czm/stormsmart/> , which
was designed to give local decision-makers information and tools for
coastal storm damage and flood protection, as well as sea level rise and
climate change preparation. While at CZM, Wes twice received recognition
at the national conference of the Association of State Floodplain
Managers (ASFPM) for his innovative StormSmart Coasts work. Wes moved to
Washington, where, with funding from CSC, he will transfer the
Massachusetts StormSmart Coasts model to other coastal areas around the
country, beginning with regional websites for the Gulf of Mexico coast
and the New England states. In September, CZM welcomed Daniella
Hirschfeld as our seventh NOAA Coastal Management Fellow. In phase two
of StormSmart Coasts, Daniella will work directly with selected coastal
communities to implement coastal floodplain management tools. Daniella
received her master's in environmental management from Duke University's
Nicholas School of Environmental and Earth Studies and her bachelor's
from Dartmouth College.
Clean Marina Intern - In September, CZM welcomed Kim Starbuck as the
Massachusetts Clean Marina Program Intern. With financial support from
the Cape Cod & the Massachusetts Marine Trades Associations, CZM was
able to bring Kim on board to assist CZM's Clean Marina Program
<http://www.mass.gov/czm/marinas/> , which provides resources and direct
technical assistance regarding environmental compliance to Massachusetts
marinas. During her internship, Kim initiated the development of an
environmental regulatory compliance checklist and compiled information
on clean marina certification programs around the country to inform
future efforts in Massachusetts. Kim is finishing up her master's of
science in environmental, earth, and ocean sciences at UMass Boston.
BUAR Deputy Director - In September, David Trubey left CZM to take a
position with Fathom Research, a marine science consulting firm. For the
past nine years, David has served as the Board of Underwater
Archaeological Resources Deputy Director and Staff Archaeologist. During
this time, David participated in all aspects of BUAR activities-from
field investigations to outreach activities to coordinating project
Ocean Analyst - In October, EEA and CZM welcomed Pressada Vella to the
ocean management planning team. Pressada is finalizing her doctoral
dissertation at UMass Boston where she has been studying various aspects
of marine ecosystem-based management, and also brings international
experience in such issues to EEA/CZM. Pressada previously interned for
the MassDEP, Chapter 91 Waterways Licensing Program, and has worked for
the government of Malta on environmental issues related to the European
Marine Ecologist - In December, Tony Wilbur left CZM to pursue a
master's degree in education. Since 1998, Tony has served as a marine
ecologist at CZM. From 1998 to 2004, he played a key role in the
development of technical information to characterize the environmental
and economic issues surrounding dredged material management in the
Commonwealth. Since its inception in 2003, Tony has served as CZM's
program manager for a Seafloor Mapping Cooperative
p.html> with the U.S. Geologic Survey. The high-resolution data, maps,
and other products of the Massachusetts seafloor generated by this
program directly support and inform priority management efforts, such as
comprehensive ocean planning and habitat protection. Tony's work on (and
passion for) the protection and management of the marine environment was
also clearly exhibited through his work on innovative pilot projects on
eelgrass quality assessment on the North Shore. CZM wishes Tony all the
best in his new chapter.
Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM)
251 Causeway Street, Suite 800
Boston, MA 02114-2136
(617) 626-1200
CZM Information Line - (617) 626-1212
CZM Website - www.mass.gov/czm <http://www.mass.gov/czm>
A publication of the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management
(CZM) pursuant
to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Award No.
This publication is funded (in part) by a grant/cooperative agreement
from the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
The views expressed herein are those of the author(s) and
do not necessarily reflect the views of NOAA
or any of its sub-agencies.
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