[SEMCO] ENERGY ISSUES: Who Cares for the Needy?

Murphydalzell at aol.com Murphydalzell at aol.com
Tue Oct 7 09:54:04 EDT 2008

Discussions about energy issues and the environment often focus on new  technology...  At some point in the energy policy discussion, people on the  coast of Massachusetts need to ask,  "Who cares for the elderly, for the  working poor, and for others who are trying to obtain heat and light?"
Three unusual energy and environment events are now scheduled.
OCTOBER 15th (Wednesday):  "Energy Justice Expo," for  Falmouth....  Basic information on low income fuel assistance, home  weatherization, and related services....  This event will start at 7:00 pm,  at the Unitarian Universalist church, 840 Sandwich Road, in East  Falmouth....  Free.  Open to the public.  The event is easily  accessible for people with disabilities...  The Sierra Club's Cape Cod and  Islands Group is providing much of the support....  TELEPHONE: (508)  457-0449, for information.
OCTOBER 17th (Friday):  "Pastoral Care Week," at Falmouth  Hospital....  Chaplains and their assistants will be providing basic  information about fuel assistance, home weatherization, and related  services...  The information will be available in the Faxon Lobby, at the  hospital,  from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
NOVEMBER 16th (Sunday afternoon):  "Energy Justice Rally," at Cape Cod  Community College....  Basic information about fuel assistance, home energy  conservation, health and safety issues, public transportation, and related  matters....  Starts at 5:00 pm.....  Free.  Open to the  public.....  Leslie Fields, who is the environmental justice advocate for  the national Sierra Club, will be among the chief speakers...    Sponsors include the Cape Cod Council of Churches,  the Cape Light Compact,  the Sierra Club, and a long list of community and religious groups concerned  about the environment and human rights.
America's economic future looks "difficult."   How do we protect  the coastal environment while honring human needs?    How do we  provide all people, in all places, with adequate sources of energy that are  safe, affordable, and sustainable?      Some new  discussions for "environmental justice" are now developing on the coast of  Massachusetts....    Your participation will be  appreciated.....
(submitted by Robert Murphy)

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