[SEMCO] Teacher Naturalist Positions 2008-09 School Year

Eleanor Moody moodye at dy-regional.k12.ma.us
Mon Mar 3 20:00:39 EST 2008

The NEED (National Environmental Education Development) Collaborative is hiring 4 full time 
Teacher/Naturalists for the 2008-2009 school year.  NEED is a small residential environmental 
education school, run by three Cape Cod school districts, and is located in a retired Coast 
Guard Station in Truro, Massachusetts. Each fifth grade class from these districts comes to 
our program for a three, or five day program. (Dennis-Yarmouth and Harwich 5 days, Falmouth 3 
days) Lessons taught include: Beach and Dune Ecology, Saltmarsh, Pond, and Forest Studies, 
Freshwater Swamp Succession, Nightwalk, Group Dynamics, Pizza Making, and Shipwreck and  U.S. 
Lifesaving Service history. Total group size is generally about 20 students. Learning/trail 
groups are 6 to 8 students. Staff members also help with meal prep and serving, bedtime 
duties, supervision during short bus trips to various natural and historical areas of the 
outer Cape, and the overall care and maintenance of the facility. 

Qualifications: Bachelor's degree. Experience working with kids, and working in a residential 
setting preferred. CPR/First Aid certification. 

Dates: Early September 2008 - June 2009. One week off at Thanksgiving, two weeks off at 
Christmas/New Years. One week off for February Break. (Week of President's Day) 

Salary and Benefits: $350 per week, plus private room and board. Health, Life, and Dental 
Insurance available. Good food, great views, and generally likable kids. Fresh air and plenty 
of exercise. 

To Apply, send cover letter, resume and the names and phone numbers/email addresses of three 
references to: Eleanor Moody, Director NEED Collaborative PO Box 896 Truro, MA 02666-0896. 

Email any questions to moodye at dy-regional.k12.ma.us

Eleanor Moody
NEED Collaborative
Truro, MA

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