[SEMCO] Wastewater Workshop Tomorrow - Final Announcement

Surgeon-Rogers, Tonna-Marie (DCR) Tonna-Marie.Surgeon-Rogers at state.ma.us
Wed Jun 11 13:34:39 EDT 2008

On Thursday, June 12, decision-makers involved in wastewater planning
efforts will have the opportunity to learn about some of the innovative
technologies that are available to municipalities for enhanced
wastewater treatment.  In this workshop, wastewater experts will explain
how individual septic systems for nitrogen removal and the NitrexTM
permeable reactive barrier work, and discuss the contexts in which their
use might or might not be applicable.  Drawing on years of experience
and related work, seasoned engineers will offer perspectives on the
advantages and disadvantages of these technologies and whether they can
offer real solutions for towns tackling the need to reduce wastewater
nitrogen and protect ecosystem and public health.  Come learn about
issues related to performance, operation, maintenance, cost, and public
acceptance, and seize the chance to pose your own questions to a panel
of wastewater consultants.  Interested persons will also be able to
visit a field site at the Reserve where the NitrexTM barrier has been
installed and is being tested.


If you serve on a decision-making body that addresses any aspect of
wastewater planning, this workshop will broaden your understanding of
these systems and equip you to think about them critically and
objectively.  The science-based and practical information shared will
help you to plan more effectively and enhance your ability to answer
questions and address community concerns.  This session is the first in
a series of six wastewater workshops being offered through the Reserve's
Coastal Training Program.


Innovative and Alternative Onsite Septic Systems and the NitrexTM
Permeable Reactive Barrier


June 12, 2008 

Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve

9:00 am - 12:30 pm 




8:00 - 9:00       Sign-in and Networking Breakfast (Boathouse)


9:00 - 9:15       Welcome, Introductions and Announcements (Visitor


9:15 - 10:15     Performance and Management of Nitrogen-Removing Onsite
Septic Systems

                        George Heufelder, Director, Barnstable County
Department of Health and the Environment


10:15 - 10:30   Coffee Break


10:30 - 11:15   Effectiveness of the NitrexTM Permeable Reactive Barrier
System for Reducing Nitrogen Loading in Coastal Areas

                        Ken Foreman, Ecosystems Center, Marine
Biological Laboratory


11:15 - 12:30   Panel Discussion: Opportunities and Drawbacks of Using
I/A systems to Address Wastewater Needs



Omer Dumais - Vice President and Principal, Tighe and Bond, Inc.

Mike Giggey - Senior Vice President, Wright-Pierce 

Pio Lombardo - President, Lombardo Associates, Inc. 

Nate Weeks - Senior Project Engineer, Stearns and Wheler LLC.

David Young - Vice President, Camp Dresser & McKee 



1)      How should communities view I/A systems: are they good "spot
solutions" to pockets of septic problems, or are they an appropriate
tool to achieve a watershed-wide nitrogen reduction?

2)      How can I/A systems contribute to meeting the wastewater
treatment needs of Cape towns and what opportunities and advantages do
they offer?

3)      What are the main drawbacks of these systems? 

4)      Where and how are I/A systems most appropriately used, i.e. are
there best practices that can be instructive for communities? 

5)      How does the NitrexTM system fit within the CWMP process and
what are the implications for towns?


12:30               Wrap-up and Evaluations


*Optional field visit to the NitrexTM Reactive Barrier Test Site at the
Waquoit Bay Reserve beach follows the program.


Who Should Attend: Municipal officials, wastewater and finance
committees, planning and health boards, conservation commissions, public
works staff, environmental groups, and consultants.


Registration: Please submit your name, title and full contact
information to Laurie Tompkins (laurie.tompkins at state.ma.us,
508-457-0495 ext. 108 or Tonna-Marie Rogers
(tonna-marie.surgeon-rogers at state.ma.us, 508-457-0495 ext. 110).


There is no cost to attend the workshop. A limited number of walk-ins
will be accommodated.


Tonna-Marie Rogers

Coastal Training Program Coordinator

Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve

Tel: 508-457-0495 ext. 110


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