[SEMCO] NOAA Announces New Funding For Environmental Literacy Projects

Sheri DeRosa sderosa at whoi.edu
Mon Jan 7 10:33:28 EST 2008

Please find below the announcement for this year's Environmental 
Literacy Grants competition. For more information, please visit 

NOAA Announces New Funding For Environmental Literacy Projects

Title: Environmental Literacy Grants for K-12 Education

NOAA's Office of Education (OED) is requesting applications for 
environmental literacy projects in support of K-12 education. Funded 
projects will be between 1 and 5 years in duration and will promote 
changes in K-12 education to expand the amount of Earth System Science 
taught in the classroom and improve student learning and application of 
that subject. Successful projects will catalyze change in K-12 education 
through development of new programs and materials and/or revision of 
existing programs and materials and/or by supporting transformative 
methods that expand or lead to the expansion of the use of Earth System 
Science in K-12 classrooms. Successful projects will not just increase 
knowledge of scientific phenomena but will also provide opportunities 
for the application of that knowledge to environmental issues relevant 
to the target audience. Projects are encouraged to incorporate NOAA 
data, data visualizations, and resources and to further the use of Earth 
System Science concepts related to NOAA's mission goals. Projects are 
also encouraged to collaborate with NOAA entities as partners and/or 
connect to projects previously funded by NOAA's Environmental Literacy 
Grants. A list of previously funded projects is available at 
<http://www.oesd.noaa.gov/elg_projects.html>.  It is anticipated that 
final recommendations for funding under this announcement will be made 
by September 15, 2008, and that projects funded under this announcement 
will have a start date no earlier than November 1, 2008.

Pre-proposals are REQUIRED and are due Wednesday, February 20, 2008. 
Full proposals are due Wednesday, June 25, 2008.

Please visit http://www.oesd.noaa.gov/funding_opps.html for the full 
announcement and additional information.

This funding opportunity's ID on grants.gov (www.grants.gov 
<http://www.grants.gov/>) is SEC-OED-2009-2001282.


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