[SEMCO] Weekend Alert Nov.23 and Beyond

[Mass Audubon] Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary wellfleet at massaudubon.org
Tue Nov 20 21:36:07 EST 2007

Wellfleet Bay Weekend Program Alert

This is the last issue of the Weekend Alert for the fall season. 
If you've found it useful, please let us know. The current
intention is to restart it again in the spring and go through Memorial
Day, but your input would be very helpful.

There is one program this weekend, a seal and seabird cruise that
filled early--sorry!  There are three programs the following

Wednesday, November 28

Ballston Beach to Coast Guard Beach


  Part of the Outer Beach hike series

1 - 3 pm

Friday, November 30

Birding the IBAs-Brewster Ponds & Woodlands/The Punkhorn


9 am - 1 pm

Saturday, December 1

Sea Turtle 911


3 - 5 pm

If you haven't already received the winter program brochure by email,
you'll be happy to know that it is in the mail. Please
watch for it and keep it handy because there are a lot of interesting
programs for the hardy souls who are on the Cape December through

Very  best wishes for the holiday and winter seasons!

Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary
Mass Audubon
291 State Highway, Route 6
P.O. Box 236
South Wellfleet, MA 02663
wellfleet at massaudubon.org

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