[SEMCO] Summer Lecture Series in Buzzards Bay

Kathy Zagzebski KZagzebski at nmlc.org
Tue Aug 7 18:03:08 EDT 2007

You are invited to attend the following FREE lecture series at the
National Marine Life Center.  Come learn about the interesting people of
Cape Cod while you enjoy a free bag of popcorn from our sponsor the
Buzzards Bay Theater.  You can also register to win a couple's "Learn to
Dive Package" courtesy of Steve Carey and our friends at the Buzzards
Bay Dive Shop.  So join us Wednesday nights at 6 pm in the NMLC's Marine
Animal Discovery Center at 120 Main Street in Buzzards Bay.  



National Marine Life Center

Summer Lecture Series



Wednesday, August 8, 2007, 6:00 pm

   Brian Sharp (Rescue Assistant, Provincetown Center for Coastal

      Grappling With Turtles, and Other Tales


Wednesday, August 15, 2007, 6:00 pm

   Richard Porter (The Thermometer Man, Owner of the Porter Thermometer
Museum, Onset)

      Thermometer Mania


Wednesday, August 22, 2007, 6:00 pm

   Dr. Dave Wiley (Research Coordinator, Stellwagen Bank National Marine

      Underwater Behavior of Humpback Whales from Multi-sensor Tag


Wednesday, August 29, 2007, 6:00 pm

   Don Lewis (The Turtle Guy; Volunteer, MassAudubon; Advisory Board,
NMLC, etc.)

      Turtles Gone Wild:  A Light-hearted Expose of the Turtles of
Coastal Massachusetts




I hope to see you there,


  Kathy Zagzebski

  President & Executive Director

      The National Marine Life Center

      P.O. Box 269, 120 Main Street

      Buzzards Bay, MA  02532-0269

  phone:  508 743-9888 x15

  fax:  508 759-5477

  e-mail:  kzagzebski at nmlc.org

  web:  http://www.nmlc.org/

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