[SEMCO] Salt Marshes and Sea Level Rise - a lecture

Melissa Lowe mlowe at massaudubon.org
Thu Jul 15 10:31:02 EDT 2004

Mass Audubon's Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary is hosting the following

by John Portnoy, Cape Cod National Seashore Ecologist

Wednesday, July 21 at 7:30 p.m. at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary

Two to four thousand years ago, when the rate of sea-level rise had slowed
enough to allow emergent marshes to grow above the rising tides, salt marsh
development began on the Outer Cape. With recent global climate change, the
rate of sea-level rise is projected to greatly increase over time.  The
effects of increased flooding on the Cape’s coastal marshes are uncertain,
but prolonged marsh flooding elsewhere in the world is causing wetlands to
subside. Cape Cod National Seashore Ecologist John Portnoy will discuss how
Cape Cod salt marshes are vulnerable to sea level rise, and how recent
restoration efforts by the National Park Service and others may improve
their chances for survival.

Cost for lecture is $4 for Mass Audubon members, $5 for non-members.
Registration is NOT required.

The Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary is located in South Wellfleet on the
west side of Route 6 just north of the Wellfleet and Eastham town line.

For additional information call 508-349-2615 or e-mail at
mlowe at massaudubon.org

Melissa Lowe
Education Coordinator
Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary
PO Box 236, South Wellfleet, MA 02663
508-349-2615 or mlowe at massaudubon.org

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