[SEMCO] Call for Presentations and Posters for the 2nd National Conference on Coastal and Estuarine Habitat Restoration

National Conference conference at estuaries.org
Wed Nov 12 14:11:39 EST 2003

Restore America's Estuaries'
2nd National Conference on Coastal and Estuarine Habitat Restoration
at the Washington State Convention & Trade Center and the Grand Hyatt
September 12-15, 2004 · Seattle, Washington
Call for Presentations and Posters

We invite you to address the second national gathering of the coastal and
estuarine habitat restoration community.
In April 2003, over 800 attendees representing the broad restoration
community gathered in Baltimore for the Inaugural National Conference on
Coastal and Estuarine Habitat Restoration. The Conference featured three
lively and engaging plenary sessions, 51 concurrent sessions and more than
200 presentations addressing six main themes in restoration. More than a
dozen outdoor field sessions enabled participants to learn first-hand from
challenges and successes at sites throughout the
Chesapeake Bay region.

Once again, Restore America's Estuaries is gathering the restoration
community to advance the knowledge, pace, practice and success of coastal
and estuarine habitat restoration. The Conference will address habitat
restoration in coastal and estuarine areas of the United States, including
the Great Lakes region, as well as international initiatives and issues. It
will also feature a focus on restoration challenges and opportunities in the
Pacific Northwest, with an emphasis on transferable lessons learned.
The Conference will explore all aspects of coastal and estuarine habitat
restoration. Coastal and estuarine habitats, such as sea grass beds, oyster
reefs, salt marshes, mud flats, mangroves, kelp beds, open waters and rocky
shores, are uniquely productive and essential natural systems. They create
and nurture abundant life, and enrich the economies and spirits of coastal
communities. Habitat restoration - manipulation of the physical, chemical or
biological characteristics of a site with the goal of returning
self-sustaining natural or historic structure and functions to former or
degraded habitat - offers great promise for reversing trends of habitat loss
and degradation.

-Conference Audience-
This conference is a national gathering of the broad coastal and estuarine
habitat restoration community, including participants from both public and
private sectors. Non-profit and community organizations, businesses and
corporations from supporting industries, academic and research institutions,
Indian tribes, and agencies from all levels of government will be
represented. Restoration practitioners, community leaders, consultants,
scientists, educators, planners, volunteers, program managers, field staff,
contractors, regulators and others involved in restoration efforts are all
encouraged to participate.
Conference participants will vary widely in terms of areas of interest and
experience level, and we plan to offer presentations of specific interest to
each group. For this reason, it is very important to clearly indicate your
target audience - in terms of both interest area and skill level - in your
proposal. We expect 800-1200 attendees, and 4- 5 sessions will run

-Conference Themes-
All proposals, for both posters and presentations, should relate
specifically to one of more the Conference themes. In addition,
presentations are strongly encouraged that address the topics listed under
each theme. The Conference Program Committee will develop Conference
Sessions that integrate various themes of restoration while providing a mix
of presenters from the various sectors of restoration. When submitting a
proposal, please indicate which theme(s) is being addressed.

People - The restoration and maintenance of our coasts and estuaries
requires the long-term support of a broad cross-section of the public.
Community involvement at all stages of restoration, from planning to
implementation and evaluation, is essential to successful restoration.
Presentations and posters in this theme should address how to involve
community organizations during all stages of restoration, from planning and
design to implementation and monitoring. Presentations in this theme might
also address how to develop strong and unique partnerships that help move
restoration from a cottage industry to a thriving movement. In addition,
proposals for presentations are desired for the following topics:
1. Linking Restoration and Environmental Education
2. Environmental Justice and Restoration
3. Vibrant Coasts, Vibrant Communities - Making the Connection (can include
economic, social and human health issues)
4. Successful Strategies for Engaging Volunteers in Restoration (and Keeping
them Engaged)
5. Changing Attitudes and Behaviors through Habitat Restoration
6. Restoration and Education

Practice - The focus of this theme is on-the-ground application of habitat
restoration techniques. Presentations are encouraged that address new
restoration methods or techniques, or provide case studies and lessons
learned from completed projects (successful or not as successful as
planned). Presentations and posters in this theme should offer generally
applicable lessons learned. In all cases, the emphasis of this theme is on
moving the practice of restoration forward. Proposals may address
restoration of a single habitat type or a restoration effort that involves
multiple habit types. In addition, proposals for presentations are sought
for the following habitat types and restoration activities:
1. Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV)
2. Salt Marsh
3. Shellfish
4. Upstream of Estuaries (includes riparian and freshwater wetlands)
5. Coral Reefs
6. Beach and Shoreline
7. Urban (including brown fields and contaminated sites)
8. Beneficial Use of Dredge Material
9. Fish Passage
10. Water Quality (e.g. stormwater management, nutrient reduction, et al)

Science - The best restoration science is required for successful project
design, implementation and evaluation, as well as for planning and
priority-setting on a larger scale. Sessions in this theme should focus on
applying the latest scientific advances in our understanding of healthy
coasts and estuaries to the planning, practice and politics of restoration.
How has our understanding of estuarine and coastal species, habitats and
systems improved and what does this mean for restoration? How do we
translate lab results into new or improved practices in the field?

Strategy - On-the-ground restoration is most successful when it is part of a
watershed, estuary or regional strategic plan. Proposals in this theme may
address the best practices in restoration planning at any scale and how to
take restoration to the next level regionally and nationally. In addition,
proposals for presentations are encouraged that address the following
1. Moving from Smaller to Larger Scales in Restoration
2. Moving from Opportunistic to Strategic Restoration (What to Do When the
Low-Hanging Fruit Has Been Picked)
3. Planning for Implementation (Avoiding the Plan that Sits on the Shelf)

Policy and Funding - At all levels, policies, funding, laws and regulations
affect our ability to undertake restoration efforts; some impede our
efforts, others advance them. Proposals in this theme should address how to
improve the climate for restoration locally, regionally or nationally. In
addition, proposals for presentations are desired that address the following
1. The Connection Between Restoration and Conservation/Preservation
2. Realizing the Promise of the Estuary Restoration Act
3. Creative Ways to Fund Your Restoration Effort
4. Creating the Political Will to Secure the Future of Restoration

Evaluation - This theme addresses the monitoring and evaluation of
restoration efforts. A strong future for restoration requires that we
monitor, document, learn from and communicate restoration results. Proposals
in this theme may address methods for monitoring and evaluation as well as
how to determine project success or failure. In addition, proposals for
presentations in the following topics are requested:
1. How to Adaptively Manage a Restoration Project
2. Using Monitoring Protocol in the Real World - Lessons Learned from
Application in the Field
3. Restoration Metrics - How Do We Measure Success?

Additional Topics - Presentation proposals are welcome in the following
1. International Challenges and Successes in Restoration
2. A Comparison of Estuary/Coastal Health Report Cards
3. Tribal Restoration Efforts
4. Restoration from a Watershed Approach
5. Case studies of restoration that include lessons learned from various
phases of restoration, as well as various partner perspectives (these should
be 90 minutes in length).

-Presentation Format-
Conference sessions will last 90 minutes each and include three
presentations of approximately 20 minutes, with 30 minutes of each session
dedicated to a moderated dialogue between presenters and the session
attendees. One of the primary goals of the program is to enable cross-sector
dialogue within the restoration community.

-Poster Session-
Posters will be displayed on a 4' x 4' board from Sunday evening, September
12th to noon on September 15th. During a Poster Session on Tuesday morning,
September 14th, presenters can informally discuss their work with attendees.
No other Conference activities will be scheduled during the Tuesday morning
Poster Session.

Posters: Proposals are requested for Posters that address one of the above
themes. To submit a poster for consideration, complete and return the Poster
Proposal form (http://www.estuaries.org/objects/2004RAECFP.pdf) by March 1,
Presentations :Proposals for Presentations are requested that either (1)
address one of the above themes and/or (2) address one of the specific
topics identified within a theme. Proposals should be for 20- minute
presentations. To submit a proposal for a presentation, complete and return
the Presentation Proposal form
(http://www.estuaries.org/objects/2004RAECFP.pdf) by February 2, 2004.

Sessions: Proposals for 90 minute sessions are welcome that (1) present a
restoration case study that addresses various phases and perspectives, or
(2) address one or more conference themes or topics provided above.
Proposals for sessions must include multiple perspectives and are strongly
encouraged to address multiple aspects of restoration (e.g. implementation
and community involvement, or science and policy). To submit a proposal for
a session, complete and return the Presentation Proposal form
(http://www.estuaries.org/objects/2004RAECFP.pdf) by February 2, 2004. Be
sure to list all proposed speakers and their affiliations. We also recommend
that you coordinate with Restore America's Estuaries prior to
submitting a session proposal.

-Timeline and Due Dates-
February 2, 2004 - Presentation and Session Proposals due
March 1, 2004 - Poster Proposals due
March 15, 2004 - Speakers and poster presenters are notified of proposal

-Selection Process and Criteria-
A program committee will review proposals in conjunction with Restore
America's Estuaries' staff, and proposals will be evaluated for their
significance to the habitat restoration community, relevance to conference
themes, ability to provide generally applicable, take-home lessons, and
credentials of presenters. Accepted Presentations will be grouped to create
sessions that provide speakers from different perspectives (e.g., community
leader, field practitioner, consultant,
scientist) as well as multiple aspects of restoration (e.g. practice, people
and policy). The process will be competitive, and not all submitted
proposals will be accepted in the Conference Program. Unless you request
otherwise, presentations not selected for inclusion in the Conference
Program will receive strong consideration for inclusion in the Poster

-Presenter Responsibilities-
Once a presentation, poster or session has been accepted, Restore America's
Estuaries will communicate due dates for additional information, including
A/V needs, biographical information and poster / presentation descriptions
for the conference program. All speakers and poster presenters are
responsible for registering for the conference and should be prepared to
cover their own registration and travel costs. Restore America's Estuaries
will offer the early bird/discounted
registration rate to all accepted presenters. Please contact Restore
America's Estuaries if you require financial assistance to attend as some
scholarships may be available. Reasonable audio-visual equipment will be
provided as needed.

-Questions, Comments, Suggestions?-
Please contact Steve Emmett-Mattox at Restore America's Estuaries,
sem at estuaries.org, 703-524-0248.

-About Restore America's Estuaries-
Restore America's Estuaries, established in 1995, is a nonprofit
organization working to preserve the nation's coasts and estuaries by
protecting and restoring the lands and waters essential to the richness and
diversity of coastal life. Restore America's Estuaries and its affiliate
members collectively represent more than 250,000 citizens in all coastal
regions of the United States. Restore America's Estuaries authored and
championed passage of the Estuary Restoration Act of 2000 - groundbreaking
federal legislation providing strong federal commitment and resources toward
a goal of restoring function to one million acres of estuarine habitat by
2010. Restore America's Estuaries led in the design of A National Strategy
to Restore Coastal and Estuarine Habitat, and defined and published the
Principles of Estuarine Habitat Restoration in partnership with the
Estuarine Research Federation.  Restore America's Estuaries hosted the
Inaugural National Conference on Coastal and Estuarine Habitat Restoration,
attended by more than 800 people, in April 2003 in Baltimore, Maryland. For
more information, visit http://www.estuaries.org/2ndnationalconference.php.

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