[SEMCO] Fish lecture & workshop offered by Karsten Hartel

Melissa Lowe mlowe at wellfleetbay.org
Sun Aug 10 17:06:05 EDT 2003

For Immediate Release:                                                                                                          Contacts:          
August 10, 2003                                                Melissa Lowe (Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary): 508 349-2615

DIVE INTO THE LIVES OF FISH with a Lecture and Field Walk led by Harvard Museum Scientist & Author KARSTEN HARTEL. 
South Wellfleet, MA - Discover the fascinating lives of fish with Karsten Hartel, co-author of the recent book "Inland Fishes of Massachusetts" and curatorial associate in ichthyology at Harvard's Museum of Comparative Zoology. Karsten will lead both a slide lecture and a field trip sponsored by Mass Audubon's Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary.
A slide lecture focusing on the new book and freshwater fishes will take place on Wednesday, August 27 at 7:30 p.m. at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary. Karsten will highlight their natural history, distribution, and their importance in the ecology of Massachusetts' lakes and ponds. Copies of his book will be available for sale and signing by the author. Cost for the lectures is $4 for Mass Audubon members and $5 nonmembers. Registration is not required. 
On the following day Thursday, August 28 from 1-4 p.m.,  Karsten will lead a field trip into the salt marsh to learn first-hand about the fish that make their home in these protective, and nutrient-rich, coastal wetlands. Using fish traps and dip nets we hope to catch (and release) species such as mimmichogs, killifish, sticklebacks, and juvenile winter flounder and striped bass to learn more about their identification, biology and natural history. Registration is required and space is limited for this interactive field workshop. Cost is $8 for members of Mass Audubon and $12 for non-members and reservations can be made by calling the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary at 508-349-2615.
The Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary is located on the west side of Route 6, immediately north of the Eastham/Wellfleet town line.  Trails are open daily 8 am to dusk.  Sanctuary admission is free for members; $5 adults, $3 children for non-members. Call (508) 349-2615 for information.

Melissa Lowe
Education Coordinator
Massachusetts Audubon Society
Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary
PO Box 236, South Wellfleet, MA 02663
Phone: 508-349-2615  Fax: 349-2632
mlowe at wellfleetbay.org

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