[SEMCO] New Northeast Sea Grant Web Site
Sheri D. Derosa
Fri, 03 Mar 2000 14:25:07 -0500
We'd like to introduce you to a new web site sponsored by the Sea Grant
programs in the Northeast region. The site features monthly theme
topics and a variety of marine-related materials and resources. Topics,
which are archived as they change, include articles and links to other
great sites about the theme.
This month's featured topic is essential fish habitat. With fisheries
conservation and the restoration of overfished stocks dominating
fisheries management for the past quarter century, habitat
considerations have gained prominence in management strategies. Called
essential fish habitat (EFH), this environment includes the waters and
bottom features (such as sand, seagrass, or coral) necessary to fish for
spawning, breeding, feeding, or growth to maturity. We invite you to set
a bookmark to and check out this month's featured topic at
Archived topics include coastal processes, aquaculture, seafood safety,
innovative technology, marine bioinvasions, and marine education. In
the coming months we will add an image gallery of marine and coastal
photographs. With all that is happening on this site, we hope you will
check back often!
WHOI Sea Grant
The Northeast Region of Sea Grant includes those programs in New York,
Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maine/New Hampshire, and Massachusetts, at
MIT and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. All these programs are
part of the National Sea Grant College Program. Administered by the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Sea Grant is a
network of 29 individual programs located in each of the coastal and
Great Lakes states.
Through a combination of research, education, and outreach, Sea Grant
works to promote the wise use and sustainable development of our coastal
and marine resources.