[OBSICtec] Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment (AACSE): Horizontal component orientations available

Douglas Toomey drt at uoregon.edu
Wed Mar 10 11:11:32 EST 2021

Hi Andrew,

Nice to see your name pop up and see that you are at WHOI now.  Hope that goes well and good luck.


On Mar 10, 2021, at 6:46 AM, Andrew H Barclay <abarclay at whoi.edu<mailto:abarclay at whoi.edu>> wrote:

OBSIC has measured the orientations of the horizontal components of 48 of 75 OBS deployed as part of the AACSE (FDSN network code XO).

The measurements are available at:

A description of the method used is at:

We have tried to address the subjectivity inherent in orientation estimates by using a well-documented and largely automated method that yields realistic uncertainties and results that can be easily reproduced.  We’d welcome feedback on this approach and on the AACSE measurements themselves.

OBSICtec mailing list
OBSICtec at whoi.edu<mailto:OBSICtec at whoi.edu>

Prof. Douglas Toomey
Director, Oregon Hazards Lab
1272 Earth Sciences
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1272

(541) 346 5576 (work)
(541) 632 2526 (mobile)

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