[OBSIPtec] Announcements for Seafloor Geophysical Observations Session at JpGU2018 and Marine Geophysics Post Doc Opportunity at IPGP

Kasey Aderhold kasey at iris.edu
Wed Feb 14 18:28:05 EST 2018

*Seafloor **Geophysical**Observations Session at the Japan Geoscience 
Union Meeting:*

        Dear colleagues,

        I would like to announce that the submission of abstracts has
        started for the following JpGU-EGU-AGU joint session in the 2018
        JpGU meeting. The session title is "Probing the Earth's interior
        with geophysical observation on seafloor" (the session ID is

        The submission deadline is 8:00 (UTC) on Feb 19.

        If you are interested in the session, please access the JpGU2018
        home page as bellow.

        Submission to the session "The lithosphere and the
        asthenosphere" (S-IT28) convened by Hitoshi Kawakatsu et al. is
        also open until the same deadline on Feb. 19. We are looking
        forward to seeing you there.

        =========Session scope of S-IT24===========================
        Probing the Earth's interior with geophysical observation on

        Most important sites for plate tectonics and mantle dynamics
        (e.g., subduction zones, spreading ridges, and hot spots) are
        located in
        oceanic regions. The coverage of seismic stations is
        concentrated in
        land areas, which cover only one-third of Earth's surface. Since
        technology for seafloor geophysical instruments to explore deep
        structure have been advanced, such as broadband ocean bottom
        seismographs (BBOBSs), ocean bottom electro-magnetometers
        (OBEMs), and
        pressure gauge, because observation network in oceanic regions is
        essential for major breakthroughs in Earth sciences. Technical
        in the instruments including cabled realtime seafloor networks
        have made
        the seafloor observation more common and reliable, which promotes a
        number of seafloor observations, both temporary and permanent
        in the last decade. We call for papers on recent scientific
        results from
        such observation projects, including those on crust and mantle
        beneath subduction zones, hot spots, Large Igneous Provinces, and
        spreading ridges. Technical advances for observation in oceanic
        including seafloor instruments and drifting float,  proposals
        and plans
        for innovative observations are also welcome.

        Invited speakers: G Barruol (IPGP), C Rychert (U Southermpton),
        R Evans

        Conveners: D Suetsugu, G Barruol, H Kawakatsu, D Wiens

*Marine Geophysics Post Doctoral Opportunity at**Institut de Physique du 
Globe Paris:*

        Applications are invited for

        A Post Doctoral position in Marine Geophysics


        Institut de Physique du Globe Paris (IPGP) *

        The Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris has an opening for
        1-2 post-doctoral positions to carry out research in marine
        geophysics, initially for 1.5 years with a possibility of
        extension up to 3 years. The project is funded by the European
        Research Council to acquire ultra-deep seismic reflection and
        refraction data across the Atlantic Ocean, starting from the
        Mid-Atlantic Ridge to the African Continental margin, over the
        oceanic lithosphere of zero age up to 75 Ma. The scientific
        objective of the experiment is to characterise the nature of the
        oceanic lithosphere down to the base of the
        lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB), and develop a model of
        the evolution of oceanic lithosphere as it cools away from the
        ridge axis.

        In 2015, ultra-deep seismic reflection data (30 s record length)
        using a 12 km multi-component streamer were acquired over the
        Mid-Atlantic Ridge extending up to 75 Ma and also crossing the
        great equatorial fracture zones (Chain, Romanche and St Paul) in
        the Atlantic Ocean. In 2017, an 1100 km long coincident
        refraction data using 71 ocean bottom seismometer were acquired
        along the flow line, and in 2018 another refraction data will be
        acquired across fracture zones.

        The post-doctoral fellow will take an active role in
        acquisition, processing and interpretation of these unique data
        and integration with other geophysical and petrological results
        and carryout numerical modeling.

        The candidate should have completed a PhD degree in geophysics
        with experience in analyses of reflection and/or refraction data
        and interested in marine geophysical data acquisition and
        processing to address fundamental scientific problems.

        *Application Procedure: *Email a CV with a letter of application
        to Ms Marie Dominique Rocheron (rocheron at ipgp.fr
        <mailto:rocheron at ipgp.fr>), Institut de Physique du Globe de
        Paris, 1 rue Jussieu, 75238 Paris France. Please request two
        referees to email recommendation letters directly to the above
        address. Deadline for application is February 28, 2018.

        For more information on the research project contact Professor
        Satish Singh (singh at ipgp.fr), Tel: +33 1 83957658.

Kasey Aderhold, Ph.D.
Project Associate | IRIS TA/OBSIP Management
202-407-7019 |kasey at iris.edu

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