[OBSIPtec] ENAM Mini-Workshop at AGU: Message from the conveners

Kasey Aderhold kasey at iris.edu
Fri Oct 6 10:07:05 EDT 2017

Forwarded from GeoPRISMS:

Dear students/post-docs (faculty, please forward this message to your 
early-career folks!),

We wanted to make sure you were aware of this year’s pre-AGU GeoPRISMS 
mini-workshops <http://geoprisms.org/meetings/mini-workshops/>, the 
first of which will focus on studies of the Eastern North American 
Margin (ENAM) 
<http://geoprisms.org/meetings/mini-workshops/agu2017-enam/>. The short 
workshop, on the Sunday morning (December 10th) preceding the main AGU 
conference, will highlight cutting-edge research products related to the 
ENAM and include community discussion of outstanding questions, 
particularly those demanding integration of multidisciplinary approaches.

Significant time is set aside in the workshop to showcase the research 
products of graduate students and post-doctoral scientists. We are 
soliciting 5-minute “pop-up” research highlights, of 1-2(max!) slides. 
This is a fantastic opportunity to have your most exciting research 
noticed by the wider community, and will provide a stepping stone for 
YOU to enter the discussion and shape our evolving understanding of this 
important research site.

We plan to organise contributions into the following broad 
pseudo-geographic groupings:

    Appalachian Mountains
    Coastal Plain
    Offshore Margin
    Margin-wide processes

However, these categories will be interpreted quite loosely, so if you 
have exciting results that don’t easily fit into this schema, don’t be 
put off.

If you would like to give a pop up, please apply here 
with a title and a brief abstract or summary of what you want to 
present. Please also register for the mini-workshop here 

We look forward to seeing you at the mini-workshop and at the AGU 

The organisers (Colton Lynner & Zach Eilon)


/The GeoPRISMS Office is hosted by The Pennsylvania State University.
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The Pennsylvania State University | Department of Geosciences
GeoPRISMS Program 503 Deike Building University Park, PA 16802 
www.geoprisms.org <http://www.geoprisms.org>


Kasey Aderhold, Ph.D.
Project Associate | IRIS OBSIP Management Office
202-407-7019 | kasey at iris.edu

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