[OBSIPtec] NSF DCL "Management and Operation of a National Ocean Bottom Seismometer Instrument Pool"

Kasey Aderhold kasey at iris.edu
Tue May 9 12:10:32 EDT 2017

OBSIPtec subscribers,

The following Dear Colleague Letter titled "Management and Operation of 
a National Ocean Bottom Seismometer Instrument Pool" was sent out 
recently from the Division of Ocean Sciences in the Geosciences 
Directorate of the National Science Foundation:


As users of OBSIP instruments and data, we encourage you to review this 
information and direct any questions to the primary NSF contacts listed.


Kasey Aderhold

Kasey Aderhold, Ph.D.
Project Associate | IRIS OBSIP Management Office
202-407-7019 | kasey at iris.edu

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