[OBSIPtec] Cascadia Year 4 [7D.2014-2015] LDEO Stations Data Change

Kasey Aderhold kasey at iris.edu
Fri Oct 7 18:27:17 EDT 2016

OBSIP User Community,

An error in the polarity of the seismic channels of LDEO stations in the 
Cascadia Year 4 data [network code 7D] has been identified and 
corrected. We have confirmed the correct polarities and re-archived the 
data at the IRIS DMC to be consistent with the left-handed convention. 
The stations that had HH1, HH2, HHZ, HX1, HX2, and HXZ channels 
re-archived were FC03D, FS11D, FS12D, FS14D, FS15D, FS17D, FS42D, FS43D, 
FS45D, G17D, G18D, G25D, G26D, G27D, G34D, J09D, J10D, J17D, J18D, J25D, 
J26D, M13D, M14D, M15D, and M17D. Stations G02D and G19D were unaffected 
by this error.

I encourage you to contact OBSIP if you have any questions or concerns 
about OBSIP data. If we cannot get to them immediately, we will still 
track and revisit any issues brought forward.


Kasey Aderhold
Project Associate | IRIS OBSIP Management Office
202-407-7019 | kasey at iris.edu

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