[OBSIPtec] Marine Seismic Survey Results
Kasey Aderhold
kasey at iris.edu
Fri Jul 29 14:28:02 EDT 2016
Earlier this summer, the MGG division of NSF released a survey through
UNOLS for determining how widespread marine seismic data collection and
usage is in the geophysical community. The survey was answered by an
impressive 258 responders and the results are available at the following
The information gathered will be used to inform decisions related to
instrumentation, methodology, and management within MGG.
Date: June 13, 2016
Dear Colleague,
Since the Sea Change Report was issued in January 2015 with the
recommendation to redirect funding from infrastructure support to
research programs; the MGG division of NSF has been assessing its
relative contributions to infrastructure and research funding within the
geophysical community. As part of this effort, UNOLS is undertaking a
survey that has been designed to determine how widespread marine seismic
data collection and usage is within the geophysical community and its
affiliated fields.The results will be used to help to identify the
instrumentation and methodology that are critical to answer the current
questions in the field and also those that are necessary to meet the
requirements of future science directions.
One outcome of the survey data results will be to assist in the
determination on whether the UNOLS Marcus Langseth Science Oversight
Committee, (MLSOC) could have its mandate broadened to become the Marine
Seismic Oversight Committee (MSOC). This concept was presented by NSF at
the UNOLS Council meeting held in May 2016. The proposed terms of
reference for this new committee are to:
•Develop an ongoing mechanism for regional planning to inform NSF on
research priorities based on U.S. community input
•Act to engage and coordinate international participation and to
identify international resources that might be available to U.S. researchers
•Provide outreach tools and a feedback mechanism to the community
•Assist in identify emerging directions in marine seismic studies
•Engage and train the next generation of marine seismic researchers
The survey is available at:
The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete.
Through your feedback important and well informed decisions can be made
and your input is both greatly needed and appreciated. *Responses are
requested by: 1 July 2016
Please share this survey with your colleagues. *We hope to gather data
from oceanographic researchers who are experienced sea-going scientists
as well as early-career investigators.
Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.
Kasey Aderhold
Project Associate | IRIS OBSIP Management Office
202-682-2220 x163 | kasey at iris.edu
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