[OBSIPtec] Program Director/Marine Geophysicist Announcement

Kasey Aderhold kasey at iris.edu
Tue Jul 19 15:57:57 EDT 2016

Forwarded on behalf of:
Candace Major
National Science Foundation
cmajor at nsf.gov

We are searching for a new Program Director with expertise in marine geophysics. The position is with the Marine Geology and Geophysics Program in the Division of Ocean Sciences at the National Science Foundation (NSF). The job includes managing merit review of proposals; working with scientists in the US academic sector and other interested parties to foster outstanding, innovative research; and helping to oversee  facilities including those supporting marine seismic research (e.g., the Ocean Bottom Seismometer Pool (OBSIP), multi-channel seismics) and cyberinfrastructure for marine geology and geophysics.
More information is provided in the following links:https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/444470500/   (permanent position) andhttps://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/444471700/  (temporary or rotator position). Please contact the Search Committee chair (Candace Major, MGG Program Lead,cmajor at nsf.gov  or 703 292 7597) with any questions. APPLICATION DEADLINE IS AUGUST 25, 2016.

Kasey Aderhold
Project Associate | IRIS OBSIP Management Office
202-682-2220 x163 | kasey at iris.edu

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