[OBSIPtec] Fwd: Alaska Amphibious Community Experiment draft plan open for comment

Brent Evers brent.evers at iris.edu
Fri Jul 1 07:45:33 EDT 2016

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: GeoPRISMS <info at geoprisms.org>
> Subject: Alaska Amphibious Community Experiment draft plan open for comment
> Date: June 30, 2016 at 4:04:23 PM EDT
> To: brent.evers at iris.edu
> -------
> A proposal for a community amphibious seismological experiment in Alaska is being prepared for the GeoPRISMS deadline, to address high-priority scientific problems across the Alaska margin. The plan addresses the high scientific priorities of the Amphibious Array Futures Workshop report as they address the GeoPRISMS and EarthScope Science plans in a region of great earthquakes and abundant volcanism.  The draft deployment plan along with links to these reports are all on the project web page:
> http://geoprisms.org/research/community-projects/alaska/ <http://geoprisms.org/research/community-projects/alaska/>
> That plan is open for community feedback through July 10, 2016. We encourage all interested parties to review the draft deployment plan and map, and provide any feedback. The draft plan discusses the ways in which feedback would be most helpful and the overall structure of the deployment, as well as a map and rationale for the array design. A form for providing feedback and instructions can be found on the project web page; please use this feedback mechanism rather than emailing the PI’s directly.
> The AACE project team (G. Abers, A. Adams, P. Haeussler, E. Roland, S. Schwartz, A. Sheehan, D. Shillington, S. Webb, D. Wiens, L. Worthington).
> -- 
> The GeoPRISMS Office
> University of Michigan|Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
> 2534 C.C. Little Building, 1100 N University Ave., Ann Arbor MI 48109-1005
> www.geoprisms.org <x-msg://2/www.geoprisms.org>

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