[OBSIPtec] Webinar - Potential of an Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment

Andy Frassetto andyf at iris.edu
Mon Apr 18 19:51:18 EDT 2016

*Announcing a Webinar on the potential of an Alaska Amphibious Community 
Seismic Experiment *

When: Monday, April 25 2016, 1:00p EDT
Register to Attend: 
*/Standard IRIS-hosted webinar format applies; attendees can type 
questions into the webinar interface, which will be communicated to the 

Likely Presenters: Susan Schwartz, Geoff Abers, Rob Evans, Jeff 
Freymueller, Emily Roland, Doug Wiens

On March 16, NSF released a Dear Colleague Letter (DCL; NSF16-061; 
http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2016/nsf16061/nsf16061.jsp) encouraging 
proposals for community-driven shoreline-crossing seismological arrays 
along the Alaska subduction margin. The concept follows directly from 
the success of the Cascadia Initiative (http://cascadia.uoregon.edu/) 
community experiment, and is targeted toward subduction-related problems 
of relevance to GeoPRISMS and EarthScope science plans. The Alaska 
experiment would take advantage of the Alaska component of the 
Earthscope Transportable Array currently being deployed, in a region of 
great earthquakes and abundant volcanism. A workshop in October, 2014 
provided scientific rationale for such successors to the Cascadia 
Amphibious Array, as outlined in a 2015 report 
Much of that report emphasized the seismogenic megathrust and volatile 
cycling through the subduction factory as the two major science targets 
that require broad, shoreline-crossing observations in subduction zones. 
Both targets could be optimally addressed by studies of the Alaska 
margin. The DCL specifically invites community experiment proposals to 
be submitted to the July 15, 2016 GeoPRISMS deadline.

This webinar discusses some of the scientific opportunities for such a 
shoreline-crossing deployment of seismometers across the Alaska Margin, 
and opportunities for complementary magnetotelluric, geodetic, and other 
geophysical observations. It focuses on opportunities in the regions off 
the Alaska Peninsula and south-central Alaska, where the on-land 
Transportable Array exists, extending onshore and offshore.

The presenters will also discuss ways community members could become 
involved in a community proposal for such a deployment, along the lines 
described by the DCL. A web page 
(http://geoprisms.org/research/community-projects/alaska/) has been set 
up to engage community members and communicate strategies, including a 
mechanism for qualified PI’s to volunteer to join the PI team.

This is an exciting opportunity to collect what should be one of the 
seminal data sets from an active subduction zone.
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