[OBSIPtec] ENAM Data Available at IRIS DMC [YO]

Kasey Aderhold kasey at iris.edu
Wed Jul 15 10:42:51 EDT 2015

The Eastern North American Margin (ENAM) Community Seismic Experiment 
(CSE) marine deployment occurred offshore North Carolina, with passive 
ocean bottom seismometers deployed via the R/V Endeavor (April 2014 to 
March/April 2015) and active seismic data collected via the R/V Marcus 
Langseth (September 2014 to October 2014). Data from all WHOI and SIO 
marine seismic instruments deployed as part of ENAM are archived and 
available under station code YO at the IRIS DMC. This data can be 
accessed using all IRIS DMC request tools. Data includes:

  * 30 WHOI broadband stations (Filtered 3 Hz, 1 Hz, and DPG channels -
    unfiltered high-rate redacted data available soon)

  * 48 SIO short-period geophones (Unfiltered high-rate and hydrophone

  * 47 WHOI short-period geophones (Unfiltered high-rate, unfiltered 1
    Hz, and hydrophone channels)

Further information about the ENAM project is available at the GeoPRISMS 
website (http://geoprisms.org/initiatives-sites/rie/enam/).
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