[OBSIPtec] 2014 Citations and OBSIP Acknowledgement for 2015

Forsyth, Donald donald_forsyth at brown.edu
Fri Jan 16 12:49:53 EST 2015

HI Jessica,

Here are some additional OBSIP papers:

Bell, S.W., D.W. Forsyth, and Y. Ruan, Removing Noise from the Vertical
Component Records of Ocean-Bottom Seismometers: Results from Year One of
the Cascadia Initiative, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 105, doi:
10.1785/0120140054, 2015

Takeo, A., D.W. Forsyth, D.S. Weeraratne, and K.Nishida, Estimation of
azimuthal anisotropy in the NW Pacific from seismic ambient noise in
seafloor records, Geophys. J. Int., 199, 11-22, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggu240, 2014

Shintaku, N., D.W. Forsyth, C.J. Rau, and D.S. Weeraratne, Pn anisotropy in
Mesozoic western Pacific lithosphere, J. Geophys. Res., Solid Earth, 119,
3050*–*3063, doi:10.1002/2013JB010534, 2014.

Booth, C.M., D.W. Forsyth, and D.S. Weeraratne, Upper mantle Q structure
beneath old seafloor in the western Pacific, J. Geophys. Res., Solid

Earth, 119, 3448*–*3461, doi: 10.1002/2013JB010589, 2014.

Wang, Y., D.W. Forsyth, C.J. Rau, N. Carriero, B. Schmandt, J. Gaherty, and
B. Savage, Fossil slabs attached to unsubducted fragments of the Farallon
plate, Proceedings National Academy of Science, 110,
doi:10.1073/pnas.1214880110, 2013.

Harmon, N., D. W. Forsyth, D. S. Weeraratne, Y. Yang, D. S. Scheirer, and
S. C. Webb,  Mantle heterogeneity and off axis volcanism on young Pacific
lithosphere, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 311, 306-315, 2011 .

Harmon, N., D.W. Forsyth, D.S. Weeraratne. Thickening of young Pacific
lithosphere from high-resolution Rayleigh wave tomography: A test of the
conductive cooling model, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 278, 96-106, 2009 .

Weeraratne, D.S., D.W. Forsyth,, Y. Yang, S.C. Webb, Rayleigh wave
tomography of the oceanic mantle beneath intraplate seamount chains in the
South Pacific, J. Geophys. Res., B06303, doi:10.1029/2006JB004403, 2007 .

Holmes, R. C., S. C. Webb, and D. W. Forsyth, Crustal structure beneath the
gravity lineations in the Gravity Lineations, Intraplate Melting,
Petrologic and Seismic Expedition (GLIMPSE) study area from seismic
refraction data, J. Geophys. Res., 112, B07316, doi:10.1029/2006JB004685, 2007

Yang, Y., D.W. Forsyth, and D.S. Weeraratne, Seismic attenuation near the
East Pacific Rise and the origin of the low-velocity zone, Earth Planet.
Sci. Lett., 258, 260-268, 2007  .

On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 11:52 AM, Jessica Lodewyk <Jessica.Lodewyk at iris.edu>

>  Hello OBSIP Community,
> Exceptional scientific results are OBSIP's ultimate goal. Citations of
> published results that were enabled through the use of the OBSIP facility
> are published on the OBSIP website. If you or your fellow researchers
> published papers in 2014 using OBSIP data, please send the citations to
> Jessica Lodewyk (jessica.lodewyk at iris.edu) at the OBSIP Management
> Office. Citations from 2014 and previous years are published here:
> http://www.obsip.org/about/citations/
> This is also a reminder that all users of OBSIP Instrumentation are
> requested to cite the use and support of the OBSIP facility, by
> incorporating the following acknowledgement in any publications or reports
> resulting from the use of OBSIP instruments:
> *“The data used in this research was provided by instruments from the
> Ocean Bottom Seismograph Instrument Pool (http://www.obsip.org
> <http://www.obsip.org>) which is funded by the National Science Foundation.
> OBSIP data is archived at the IRIS Data Management Center.
> (http://www.iris.edu <http://www.iris.edu>)" *Thank you,
> Jessica Lodewyk
> jessica.lodewyk at iris.edu
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Donald Forsyth
Dept. of Geological Sciences
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
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