[OBSIPtec] 2014 Citations and OBSIP Acknowledgement for 2015

John A. Collins jcollins at whoi.edu
Fri Jan 16 12:03:54 EST 2015

	This paper used the MOANA OBS  dataset (as well as land stations).

Collins, J. A., and P.H. Molnar (2014), Pn anisotropy beneath the South Island of New Zealand and implications for distributed deformation in continental lithosphere, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 119, 7745-7767, doi:10.1002/2014JB011233.

On Jan 16, 2015, at 11:52, Jessica Lodewyk <Jessica.Lodewyk at iris.edu> wrote:

> Hello OBSIP Community, 
> Exceptional scientific results are OBSIP's ultimate goal. Citations of published results that were enabled through the use of the OBSIP facility are published on the OBSIP website. If you or your fellow researchers published papers in 2014 using OBSIP data, please send the citations to Jessica Lodewyk (jessica.lodewyk at iris.edu) at the OBSIP Management Office. Citations from 2014 and previous years are published here: http://www.obsip.org/about/citations/
> This is also a reminder that all users of OBSIP Instrumentation are requested to cite the use and support of the OBSIP facility, by incorporating the following acknowledgement in any publications or reports resulting from the use of OBSIP instruments:
> “The data used in this research was provided by instruments from the Ocean Bottom Seismograph Instrument Pool (http://www.obsip.org) which is funded by the National Science Foundation. OBSIP data is archived at the IRIS Data Management Center. (http://www.iris.edu)"
> Thank you, 
> Jessica Lodewyk
> jessica.lodewyk at iris.edu
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John A. Collins
Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, MS 24
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
360 Woods Hole Road
Woods Hole, MA 02543

e-mail: 	jcollins at whoi.edu
voice:	+1-508-548-2502

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