[OBSIPtec] EGU session GD8.3/EMRP4.9/SM7.6 - Abstract Deadline 1/13/16

Kasey Aderhold kasey at iris.edu
Wed Dec 30 19:44:23 EST 2015

Dear OBS-IP ML members,

We will have the following EGU2016 session "GD8.3/EMRP4.9/SM7.6”,

Exploring crust and mantle under the oceans: innovative
instrumentation, processing and interpretation of ocean-bottom
data (co-organized)

Convener: Kiyoshi Baba
Co-Conveners: Wolfram Geissler, Karin Sigloch, Motoyuki Kido,
M. Jegen, Tada-nori Goto, Hajime Shiobara, Stephen Monna


Please consider to make your presentations here.
The abstract deadline is 13 Jan. 2016.

Posted on behalf of Hajime Shiobara

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