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<b> <br>
Jan. 16,
Teresa Izzo <br>
<div align="right">508-896-3867, ext. 137<br>
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The Cape Cod Museum of Natural History presents <br>
<i>Planet Quest: The Search for Another Earth </i>with Dr. Chuck
BREWSTER, MAThe Cape Cod Museum of Natural History in Brewster, MA will
be hosting speaker Dr. Chuck Kunesh who will be giving a presentation on
astronomy, <b>Sunday, February 15 at 1pm</b>.<br>
Dr. Kunesh’s presentation will first explore the major and minor planets
that orbit the sun in our own solar system, and then look back at what
people from ancient times through the 20th century thought about the
possibility of other solar systems around other stars. He will discuss
how astronomers discovered the first Jupiter-like planets orbiting other
stars by using something called the “radial velocity method”, how the
Kepler spacecraft has discovered thousands of additional planets by using
called the “transit method”, and the future plans that astronomers have
to find more Earth-like planets around nearby stars and to look for
evidence of life on those planets.<br>
Chuck Kunesh is from western Pennsylvania and received his Ph.D. from the
University of Pittsburgh in physical chemistry. His career was spent
conducting and managing industrial chemical research, but ever since he
was a child his real passion has always been astronomy. Chuck is a member
of the Lehigh Valley Amateur Astronomy Society in Allentown, PA and has
given numerous talks on astronomy and space travel in schools and at
astronomy events. He currently resides in Bethlehem, PA, but spends as
much time as possible at his vacation home on Cape Cod.<br>
<b> Free with Museum Admission<br>
</b> For more information please call the Museum at 508-896-3867 xt.
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Teresa Izzo<br>
Program Coordinator<br>
Cape Cod Museum of Natural History<br>
869 Main St./Rte. 6A<br>
Brewster, MA 02631<br>
508-896-3867 x137<br>
508-896-8844 - fax</body>