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Registration for BCB's 2014 Summer Sailing School is available online at
<a href="http://www.bournecommunityboating.org">www.bournecommunityboating.org</a> or by mailing in the attached registration form. 
Classes are open to all youth, regardless of town of residence. 
<a href="mailto:amy@bournecommunityboating.org">amy@bournecommunityboating.org</a> for more information! 
<p><strong>Beginner Sailing</strong>:  (6/23-7/18 or 7/21-8/15, 8:30 AM-12:00) Students will have 4 mornings per week of sailing instruction in Opti Prams, and 1 morning of our marine biology themed Belly Biology program. Each student will learn to sail their own boat from the earliest time possible, which affords the steepest learning curve and best results. Tuition:  $500 per 4-week session (Full-time, year-round Bourne residents receive a 50% discount).  Suggested Ages: 9-12.</p>
<p><strong>Advanced Beginner Sailing</strong>:  (6/23-7/18 or 7/21-8/15, 1:00 to 4:30 PM) Students will have 4 afternoons per week of sailing instruction in Prams, and 1 morning of Belly Biology.  This course is designed for students who have sailed before, but are not yet ready for the more advanced techniques taught in Intermediate sailing.  Tuition: $500 per 4-week session (Full-time, year-round Bourne residents receive a 50% discount).  Suggested Ages: 9-12.</p>
<p><strong>Intermediate Sailing</strong>: (6/23-7/18 or 7/21-8/15, 1:00 to 4:30 PM).  Students will have 4 afternoons per week of sailing and 1 of Belly Biology.  This class will primarily sail Prams, and may experiment with other boats. The object is to hone the skills acquired in earlier lessons and prepare to transfer those skills to other boats. Tuition: $500 per 4-week session.   Prerequisite: Instructor recommendation following completion of Beginner or Advanced beginner sailing, or equivalent.</p>
<p><strong>Adventures in Sailing</strong>:  (6/23-7/11 or 7/21-8/8, 1:00 to 4:30 PM). Students will sail a variety of boats including Prams, windsurfers, Lasers and Bullseyes.  The Adventurers come in to the class with a good background of sailing skills which allows them to focus on transferring those skills to new challenges like sailing to new and different destinations.  Tuition: $425 per 3-week session.  Prerequisite: Completion of Intermediates or equivalent.</p>
<p><strong>Sailapalooza</strong>: (6/30-7/3, 7/7-7/11, 7/14-7/18,  7/28-8/1, 8/4-8/8, 8/11-8/15 1:00-4:30 PM). Open to all comers, regardless of their ability. Classes will focus on fun and will accommodate students of varying skills. Tuition: $125 per week or $40 per day.   Prerequisite: Open to all youth ages 9 and up.</p>
<p><strong>Intro to Racing</strong>: (7/14-7/18 or  8/11-8/15, 1:00-4:30 PM).  Geared towards students who are interested in trying sailboat racing this class will teach racing basics with fun, friendly competition.  Tuition: $125 per week.  Prerequisite: Completion of Intermediates or equivalent.</p>
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<br />Amy Wright
<br />Executive Director
<br />Bourne Community Boating
<br />amy@bournecommunityboating.org
<br />www.bournecommunityboating.org
<br />508-273-3957