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        <div style="color: #505050;font-family: Arial;font-size: 10px;line-height: 100%;text-align: left;">Fall Classes, Upcoming Exhibits, Art Yard Sale, Visiting Artist and more at the Hyannis Harbor Arts Center!<br>
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<div style="color: #505050;font-family: Arial;font-size: 14px;line-height: 150%;text-align: left;"><h1 style="text-align: center;color: #202020;display: block;font-family: Arial;font-size: 34px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;">
        Fall is almost here!</h1>
<h4 style="text-align: center;color: #202020;display: block;font-family: Arial;font-size: 22px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;">
        The HHAC has exhibits and events to keep the arts alive all year long!</h4>
<h2 style="text-align: center;color: #202020;display: block;font-family: Arial;font-size: 30px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;">
        Register for Fall Classes!</h2>
<h4 style="text-align: center;color: #202020;display: block;font-family: Arial;font-size: 22px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;">
        The HHAC has a variety of classes for Adults, Teens and Children</h4>
<h4 style="text-align: center;color: #202020;display: block;font-family: Arial;font-size: 22px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;">
        Classes begin the week of September 26th</h4>
<h4 style="text-align: center;color: #202020;display: block;font-family: Arial;font-size: 22px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;">
        There is still time - <a href="http://hyartsdistrict.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9c1d630cb17afd1057ca7c88f&id=f84d70fc61&e=bcb4306df4" style="color: #336699;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;"><br>
        visit our website to see our schedule</a>!</h4>
<h1 style="color: #202020;display: block;font-family: Arial;font-size: 34px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">
        ART YARD SALE!<img align="right" alt="" border="0" height="200" src="http://gallery.mailchimp.com/9c1d630cb17afd1057ca7c88f/images/ays.1.jpg" width="267" style="border: 0;height: auto;line-height: 100%;outline: none;text-decoration: none;display: inline;"></h1>
<h4 style="color: #202020;display: block;font-family: Arial;font-size: 22px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">
        Join Sarah Holl, Julien Havard, the artists of 50 Pearl Street & Friends<br>
        for an<br>
        Art Yard Sale!</h4>
<h3 style="color: #202020;display: block;font-family: Arial;font-size: 26px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;text-align: left;">
        SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th<br>
        9:00 AM - 1:00 PM<br>
        (rain date Sunday, September 25th)</h3>
<p style="text-align: center;">
        <img align="left" alt="" border="3" height="300" hspace="13" src="http://hyartsdistrict.com/hhac/exhibits_48_3543312137.jpg" style="border: 3px solid;margin: 13px;height: auto;line-height: 100%;outline: none;text-decoration: none;display: inline;" vspace="13" width="204"></p>
<h2 style="text-align: center;color: #202020;display: block;font-family: Arial;font-size: 30px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;">
        Frank Chike Anigbo:</h2>
<h3 style="text-align: center;color: #202020;display: block;font-family: Arial;font-size: 26px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;">
        Portraits from the Streets</h3>
<h4 style="text-align: center;color: #202020;display: block;font-family: Arial;font-size: 22px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;">
        September 22nd – October 10th<br>
        Opening Reception:<br>
        Thursday, September 22nd<br>
        6 – 9PM</h4>
        "I made this sketch – A Beggar, Seville -- in the spring of 2000. Two months before that I had painted Death of a Skunk when I came upon a skunk dead by the side of a road. At first I instinctively hurried past it with a deep breath drawn in and held, eager to put some distance between us. But I did look at her and for a brief moment allowed myself to see her with the eyes of one whose life is made worse for her death, a mate who waits listlessly for her return, unable to comprehend the finality of her absence.</p>
        "It would have been natural to feel sadness for the loss of some unknown dog or a cat dead by the side of a desolate road, because we cannot help but apportion value to a life based on perceived worth to someone we know or can readily imagine; some child somewhere, broken-hearted for the loss of a beloved pet; no one will miss a skunk dead by the side of a road. I went back and painted her with the intent of creating a work of art that transcended the value a person might have assigned to her life. I painted the man in Seville -- an isolated beggar crouched against an immovable wall as though he accepts with all penitence the judgment of a failed life, for that same reason. I wanted to strip away all the distractions that prevent me from seeing a person I might have recognized -- a long-lost brother, my father, my friend. I wanted to allow myself to see and feel by assigning value to this stranger based on his worth to someone that knew him well.</p>
        "My work explores the value of life, especially the lives of isolated individuals on the margins of society – often the chronically homeless and mentally ill, people whose social contribution and impact is negligible by our accepted definitions of value, people whose mortality is the least of society’s concerns. With writing and painting that speaks of the universal parallels of life, I aim to challenge the way we perceive worth and allocate value – at the same time staying true to the condition of the subjects whose lives I document in painted portraits and writing.</p>
        "The portraits contained in this exhibit are representative of the individuals I have met in the streets of many cities, but especially the small section of downtown Los Angeles known as Skid Row. Sherri, the one-time child-prostitute and convicted killer of a husband who raped her 6-year-old daughter; Patrick, the gentle soul unable to come to terms with the death of his beloved mother; “Shaky” – they call him that because he shakes each morning until he has had some alcohol in him; Eduardo, the recovering drug addict grandfather determined to regain control of his life and the trust of his family; Stephanie, the young mother and heroin addict whose hope to someday reunite with her children keeps her from taking her life.</p>
        "My writing and paintings attempt to bring these alienated individuals into the context of our own lives, despite the often stark differences in the ways and places we live, and to challenge perceptions of worth and the criteria by which we allocate value to a person."</p>
        Frank Chike Anigbo<br>
        <a href="http://hyartsdistrict.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9c1d630cb17afd1057ca7c88f&id=48b7161ca6&e=bcb4306df4" style="color: #336699;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">www.fanigbo.com</a><br>
<h1 style="text-align: center;color: #202020;display: block;font-family: Arial;font-size: 34px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;">
        <b><span style="font-size: 20px;"><img align="left" alt="" border="3" height="400" hspace="13" src="http://gallery.mailchimp.com/9c1d630cb17afd1057ca7c88f/images/AR.jpg" style="border: 3px solid;margin: 13px;height: auto;line-height: 100%;outline: none;text-decoration: none;display: inline;" vspace="13" width="188">Visiting Artist at the HHAC:<br>
        Angela Rose</span><br>
        <span style="font-size: 16px;">September 21- October 2</span><br>
        <span style="font-size: 16px;">Noon – 5 pm</span></b></h1>
        <b><span style="font-size: 12px;">The Hyannis Harbor Arts Center will host visiting artist Angela Rose from Wednesday, September 21 – Sunday, October 2 from noon – 5 pm. Angela will be creating her metalworks for the garden and home, as well as portrait drawings of the people she’s met on the Cape.<br>
        First featured at the 2011 Boston Flower Show in March, the use of simple metal tubing and reclaimed aluminum cable is consistent with Angela’s desire to utilize existing material and transform it into something new, something delightful. The sculptures, positioned in a garden landscape or in containers around flowers and plants, highlight the idea of man as an integral part of nature, rather than something separate from it. Interconnectedness between people, cultures, and the Earth is a common theme in Angela’s work.<br>
        Angela’s long-held dream to divide her creative time between New England and Arizona continues to take shape this season at the Hyannis Harbor Arts Center in Hyannis, located at 250 South Street, as a visiting artist for a week.<br>
        Angela Rose lives in Tucson, Arizona and has been living and creating on the Cape since May. After a 10-year career in arts promotion and large-scale public art projects in mosaic tile, she returned to school and earned a BFA at Smith College in 2002, with a Special Studies in “Sculpture in an Outdoor Setting.”<br>
        A versatile artist, metal has been a primary medium for Angela whether she is hand-bending metal tubing, twisting reclaimed aluminum cable, or painting with oils on steel. Angela is represented in the Boston area by Jennifer Coash (jennifercoash@gmail.com), and in Arizona by Linda Ahearn of Toscana Studio and Gallery (linda@toscanastudioandgallery.com). To view a sample of current works from the Cape, visit Angela’s blog: www.AngelaRose.org</span><br>
<p style="text-align: center;">
        <b> </b></p>
<h3 class="null" style="text-align: center;color: #202020;display: block;font-family: Arial;font-size: 26px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 0;margin-right: 0;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 0;">
        <b>Friends of HHAC</b></h3>
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                                The <em>Anything Goes Coffee House</em><br>
                                A Benefit to Support Cape Poet Joe Gouveia<br>
                                Sunday October 16, 7:30pm<em> </em></td>
                        <td style="border-collapse: collapse;">
                                <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="28" width="586">
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                                                                <p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;">
                                                                        This is for poets, artists, everyone who knows Joe or would simply like to support someone in need ... and have some fun in the process.</p>
                                                                <p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;">
                                                                <p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;">
                                                                        Joe was recently diagnosed with his second bout of cancer only two months after his first cancer went into remission. A first-generation Portuguese-American who has been published in six countries on four continents, Joe is inextricably woven into the Cape's extensive network of poets and literary events, working tirelessly to celebrate the art. Funds raised at the event will help Joe pay his bills while he undergoes chemotherapy.</p>
                                                                <p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;">
                                                                <p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;">
                                                                        <strong>The event will feature music by members of the Beach Plums (a terrific local band that happens to include two great poets, Greg Hischak and Kathleen Healy), readings by Cape and mainland poets, food and drink, and a silent auction/raffle. Tickets are $15 and may be purchased at the Cultural Center, 307 Old Main St., South Yarmouth or by calling 508-394-7100. They may also be purchased at the door. Though refreshments will be provided, attendees are encouraged to bring their own beverages in order to keep costs low and proceeds for Joe high.</strong></p>
                                                                <p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;">
                                                                        <img align="left" alt="Joe Gouveia" border="0" height="400" hspace="5" name="ACCOUNT.IMAGE.1621" src="http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs073/1102092917835/img/1621.jpg" vspace="5" width="232" style="border: 0;height: auto;line-height: 100%;outline: none;text-decoration: none;display: inline;"></p>
                                                                <p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;">
                                                                <p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;">
                                                                        If you would like to donate an item for the silent auction, please <a href="mailto:lwolkculturalccc@verizon.net?subject=Anything%20Goes%20Cafe" style="color: #336699;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">email the Cultural Center</a>, call 508-394-7100, or just drop it off at the Center. All proceeds will go to pay Joe's bills while he cannot work. </p>
                                                                <p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;">
                                                                <p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;">
                                                                        Please come, please donate, please keep Joe in your thoughts. </p>
                                                                <p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;">
                                                                        <span style="font-family: 'times new roman'; font-size: 12pt;"><span _fck_bookmark="1" style="display: none;"> </span><img alt="cc logo 50k" border="0" height="72" hspace="5" name="ACCOUNT.IMAGE.485" src="http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs073/1102092917835/img/485.jpg" vspace="5" width="70" style="border: 0;height: auto;line-height: 100%;outline: none;text-decoration: none;display: inline;"></span></p>
<b> </b>
<b>Recent works of HHAC intern, Bernadette Mae, will be on display September 23 from 7-10 at Ditchwerks Studio. Bernadette has studied under HHAC artist Sarah Holl since 2006. <a href="mailto:bernadettemaeart@gmail.com" style="color: #336699;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;">bernadettemaeart@gmail.com</a><br>
<img alt="" border="0" height="293" src="http://gallery.mailchimp.com/9c1d630cb17afd1057ca7c88f/images/done.jpg" width="400" style="border: 0;height: auto;line-height: 100%;outline: none;text-decoration: none;display: inline;">?></b></div>
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                                                                                                                                <em>Copyright © 2011 Hyannis Harbor Arts Center @ the Guyer Barn, All rights reserved.</em>
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                                                                                                                                <div class="vcard"><span class="org fn">Hyannis Harbor Arts Center @ the Guyer Barn</span><div class="adr"><div class="street-address">250 South Street</div><span class="locality">Hyannis</span>, <span class="region">MA</span> <span class="postal-code">02601</span></div><br><a href="http://hyartsdistrict.us2.list-manage.com/vcard?u=9c1d630cb17afd1057ca7c88f&id=a57dbdd93f" class="hcard-download">Add us to your address book</a></div>
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