<div>Hello,<br> <br>Please include this information regarding the following presentation in your SEMCO Digest.<br> <br>Thank you,<br> <br>Monica Lambert<br>AmeriCorps Cape Cod<br>Chatham Conservation Division<br> <br>Thursday, March 31, 2011 - Butterflies, Native Plants & Pollinators <br>
<br>FREE Presentation: 9:00 am - 12:30 pm (START TIME HAS BEEN CHANGED TO 9:00 am)<br> <br>Speakers: Ellen Souza, Turkey Hill Brook Farm - Native Plant Gardens for Native Pollinators</div>
<div> David Clapp, MA Audubon - Attracting Hummingbirds in the Landscape</div>
<div> Anne Haggerty, Raising Homey Bees</div>
<div> Jane Young, Raising Monarch Butterflies</div>
<div><br> <br>Location: Town of Chatham Community Center (702 Main Street)<br> <br>For more information, please contact the Town of Chatham Conservation Division at <a href="tel:508-945-5164" target="_blank">508-945-5164</a> or visit our website at <a href="http://www.chatham-ma.gov/public_documents/chathamMA_conservation/Conservation%20Commission%20Free%20Speaker%20Series_201" target="_blank">http://www.chatham-ma.gov/public_documents/chathamMA_conservation/Conservation%20Commission%20Free%20Speaker%20Series_201</a><br>
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