<div align="center"><img src="cid:" width=159 height=147 alt="clip_image002.jpg"><br><br>
<font size=4>Job Posting: <b>Information Systems Assistant III or
Associate I</b> <br><br>
Full-time position at the <a href="http://www.nosams.whoi.edu/">National
Ocean Sciences AMS Facility</a> at the
<a href="http://www.whoi.edu/">Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institution</a>. Candidate will work with a group of about 17 staff
members to setup and maintain computers, servers, network connectivity
and perform multi-faceted database tasks. Responsibilities
include operation of a LAN (~30 nodes, mostly PCs and Macs), including
servers for a UNIX-based relational database (SYBASE), programming
user applications in PowerBuilder, scripting tasks as well as support in
maintaining the facility website.<br><br>
<b>Qualifications:</b> B.S. in Computer Science or equivalent
education. In absence of formal degree, considerable relevant work
experience with a proven ability to acquire new technical skills.
Programming and scripting proficiency is desired. Knowledge of
LabVIEW, MATLAB programming and a familiarity with statistics is a
plus. The level of appointment will depend on the degree of relevancy of
the candidate’s background and skills and the amount of training required
to fulfill the duties listed above.<br><br>
Salary Range: from $45,000 to $52,000 with benefits, depending on prior
experience and qualification.<br><br>
To apply see Job Reference 08-08-02 at
<a href="http://jobs.whoi.edu/">http://jobs.whoi.edu/</a> or
contact the Woods Hole Oceanographic Human Resources Office at