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<TD><FONT style="COLOR: #006633; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color=#006633 size=1>UPCOMING PROGRAMS</FONT></TD></TR>
<TD><FONT style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 5px; PADDING-TOP: 15px; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=1>FAMILY & CHILDREN</FONT></TD></TR>
<P><FONT size=2><STRONG><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 100%" size=2>April Vacation Adventures<BR /></FONT></STRONG></FONT><FONT size=2>April 16-20<BR /><A href="http://web.massaudubon.org/site/R?i=-Zw5kz41mg5B6-GmRQEyMg..">Peeps </A>Pre-K<BR /><A href="http://web.massaudubon.org/site/R?i=Qc6q4l-dfNjoXvqhmA8geQ..">Mummichogs</A> Grades K-1<BR /><A href="http://web.massaudubon.org/site/R?i=daJwH06cR1rn8b2Km6m5tg..">Bullfrogs</A> Grades 2-4</FONT></P></TD></TR>
<P><STRONG><BR /><A href="http://web.massaudubon.org/site/R?i=SgBAyGjlIVIjWR5wi6p3SA..">Pondemonium</A><BR /></STRONG>Grades 5-8<BR />April 17<BR /><BR /><STRONG><A href="http://web.massaudubon.org/site/R?i=y4tdO1MKa1kAJxCWTiaevQ..">Marine Life Mania</A><BR /></STRONG>Grades 5-8<BR />April 19</P></TD></TR>
<P><FONT style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 5px; PADDING-TOP: 15px; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=1>ADULTS</FONT></P></TD></TR>
<TD><STRONG>FREE! Cape-friendly <A href="http://web.massaudubon.org/site/R?i=r0xemnsfC88WDaxNl2zJlw..">Landscaping Workshop</A><BR /></STRONG>April 10</TD></TR>
<P><STRONG><A href="http://web.massaudubon.org/site/R?i=oBZngsKsaOWBcGWoJBvlvw..">Search programs >></A></STRONG></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR>
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<P><FONT style="COLOR: #006633; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color=#006633 size=1>VOLUNTEERS<BR /></FONT><FONT style="COLOR: #006633; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color=#006633 size=1><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial"><FONT style="COLOR: #000000" face="" color=#000000 size=2>Now is the time to find your perfect volunteer job. Monitor coastal birds, greet visitors at our front desk, or become a docent at the Marsh Cabin. We have something for everyone. </FONT></SPAN></FONT><FONT style="COLOR: #006633; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color=#006633 size=1><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial"><FONT style="COLOR: #000000" face="" color=#000000 size=2>Click <A title="E-mail mzbel@massaudubon.org" href="mailto:mzbel@massaudubon.org">here </A>to contact the Volunteer Coordinator.</FONT></SPAN></FONT></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR>
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<P><FONT style="COLOR: #006633; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color=#006633 size=1>DON'T FORGET!<BR /></FONT><STRONG>HOT WINGS: Jazz for Plovers Saturday, April 21 at 6 PM<BR />MIT Festival Jazz Ensemble<BR /></STRONG>Call 508-349-2615 for tickets and information.</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR>
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<TD align=left><FONT style="COLOR: #006633; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color=#006633 size=1>ETCETERA...</FONT></TD></TR>
<P>Wouldn't it be fun to be a S<STRONG>ummer Day Camp Teacher</STRONG> <BR />at Wellfleet Bay? Housing is available! Click <A href="http://web.massaudubon.org/site/R?i=xPrwkwP7ZdKxI_6tcTau3Q..">here</A> to learn more about a summer job.</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR>
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<TD align=left><FONT style="COLOR: #006633; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color=#006633 size=1>MEMBERSHIP</FONT></TD></TR>
<P>A family or individual can get a year's membership in Mass Audubon for just <STRONG>$25</STRONG>. Click <A href="http://web.massaudubon.org/site/R?i=COTW8Hw9N7s3w7NAkHAB_w..">here</A> to learn more.</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><!-- CENTER DIVIDER BELOW
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<TD bgColor=#ffffff><SPAN class=headline><SPAN class=headline>The Wrack Line</SPAN> </SPAN></TD>
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<P align=right><STRONG>April 2007</STRONG></P></TD></TR>
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<P><IMG alt="april silver spring" src="http://web.massaudubon.org/images/content/pagebuilder/11682.jpg" align=right border=0 />The Wrack Line is a free monthly <BR />e-newsletter from your friends at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary. You have received the Wrack Line because you have provided us with your e-mail address. If you do NOT want to receive the Wrack Line, or if you would like to change your e-mail address, please <A href="http://web.massaudubon.org/site/R?i=TbZLYDEg46t6qg-MLn577A..">click here</A>. April on Silver Spring photo by Robert Brown.
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<SPAN class=headline>Return of the Osprey<BR /></SPAN>Two ospreys were reported at the Eastham/Orleans town line on March 3.<IMG height=118 alt=osprey src="http://web.massaudubon.org/images/content/pagebuilder/11680.bmp" width=125 align=right border=0 /> Summer is on its way! By the mid-1900s, hunting and the pesticide DDT had taken a toll on the osprey population. DDT in fish, ospreys’ main food, caused their eggshells to be thin and incapable of supporting the weight of the incubating parent. In 1970, there were fewer than ten successful nests in the state. DDT was banned in 1972 and positive results were observed almost immediately. Historically, ospreys nested in dead trees. Artificial nesting platforms have been in use for over 50 years and now support the majority of osprey nests in the state of Massachusetts. If you would like to help with the Osprey Project, click <A title="E-mail dmurley@massaudubon.org" href="mailto:dmurley@massaudubon.org">here</A> to contact Dennis Murley. Photo by Don Lewis.<BR />
<P><STRONG><FONT size=3>Summer Field School for Families </FONT></STRONG><BR />July 16-July 17, 2007<BR />This new intergenerational (adult/child pairs) field school led by Mary Richmond will combine extended explorations and nature study with your choice of writing, drawing, scrapbooking, photography and more. We will wander in the water, trek through the trees, sift through the sand, and be among the birds---all of which will be recorded in your own journal or sketchbook. This collection of memories will remind you of the Cape’s special environment and treasured time spent together. Children must be entering grade 5 or above ($195/Member pair; $220/Nonmember pair). Click <A href="http://web.massaudubon.org/site/R?i=Y5n-c8ZWB8QzR0W2AHmB2g..">here</A> for registration information.</P>
<P class=headline style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">Bird-a-thon 2007</P>
<P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">Bird-a-thon is coming soon, and we need you to bird for Wellfleet Bay this year. We are looking for enthusiastic birders of all skill levels. We know we have the best volunteers at Wellfleet Bay, and with your help we can win Bird-a-thon this year. <strong>Bird-a-thon 2007 will be from 6 pm Friday, May 18 through 6 pm Saturday, May 19</strong>. This is a birding and fundraising event across Mass Audubon. Sanctuaries compete against each other for trophies and prizes. Our goal this year is to raise $7,000 and capture the Statewide Migration Award for the greatest percentage increase in fundraising from the previous year. The Bird-a-thon prizes are a source of great pride for sanctuaries, and Wellfleet Bay is ready to win this year! Each and every dollar raised goes toward Wellfleet Bay’s important conservation and educational programs. Click <A title="E-mail mzbel@massaudubon.org" href="mailto:mzbel@massaudubon.org">here</A> to tell us you want to help with Bird-a-thon 2007.</P>
<P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"> </P>
<P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><SPAN class=headline>Atlas II</SPAN><BR /><IMG src="http://web.massaudubon.org/images/content/pagebuilder/11692.jpg" width=150 align=right border=0 />Breeding Bird Atlas projects enlist the skills and enthusiasm of hundreds of volunteers to record changes in breeding bird populations for the purpose of conserving our native birdlife. In 1974 Mass Audubon organized Atlas I, the first attempt in North America to systematically map the status of breeding birds on a statewide scale. Since this first effort, Breeding Bird Atlas projects have been completed in every state east of the Mississippi, in many western states and Canadian provinces, and in other countries around the world. To be effective conservation tools, atlases need to be repeated after appropriate intervals in order to discover how bird populations may have changed. More than 25 years have now passed since the data for Atlas 1 was collected and it is now time to tackle Atlas 2. Click <A href="http://web.massaudubon.org/site/R?i=hQiFi5_gYCLUGkpJyicd9A..">here</A> to find out how you can help us with Atlas II.<BR /><BR /><FONT size=3><STRONG>Can You Help Us With Our Wish List? </STRONG><BR /></FONT>Click <A title="E-mail wellfleet@massaudubon.org" href="mailto:wellfleet@massaudubon.org">here</A> to send us a message about the wish list.<BR /><BR />canister vacuum cleaner with rug attachment<BR />hula hoops duck/bird calls<BR />snorkel fins, adult size nature videos<BR />binoculars field guides<BR />portable CD player modeling clay<BR />fabric paint compasses<BR />kayaks, 14' minimum size fish pots<BR />native wildlife puppets hand magnifiers<BR />DK Eyewitness books for children<BR />tax deductible donations for trees, shrubs and "green" benches</P>
<P><SPAN class=headline>Coastal Ecology by Kayak</SPAN><BR /><IMG alt="fs kayak" src="http://web.massaudubon.org/images/content/pagebuilder/11693.jpg" align=right border=0 />Study the nature of salt marshes, coastal plain ponds, barrier beaches, dunes, and tidal rivers by kayak. Great Island in Wellfleet, Nauset Marsh, and Pleasant Bay, our paddling destinations, are some of the most scenic waterways on the Cape. Participants provide their own kayaks. Basic paddling skills and the ability to swim are required. Led by Dennis Murley, staff naturalist, and David Weintraub, author of <STRONG>Adventure Kayaking: Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard. </STRONG>Click <A href="http://web.massaudubon.org/site/R?i=ntRr-WZ1re0RRyB-E_2AdA..">here</A> for registration information. Photo by Richard Johnson.</P>
<P><SPAN class=headline></SPAN><STRONG><FONT size=3>Lieutenant Island Clean-up</FONT></STRONG><BR />Help us with beach clean-up on Lieutenant Island on Friday, April 20 from 10 AM-1 PM. The nice folks at 1-800 <A href="http://web.massaudubon.org/site/R?i=8zHroOPSg60Hie3SUK4uog..">Got Junk?</A> will take away and recycle everything we can pick up. They have offered their services free of charge in honor of Earth Day. Click <A title="E-mail mzbel@massaudubon.org" href="mailto:mzbel@massaudubon.org">here</A> to sign up for this one-day project.</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV><img src="http://web.massaudubon.org/site/PixelServer?j=pQ8F8NZAI_Mo2sFL8rt3zA.." height="1" width="1">
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<P><STRONG>Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary<BR /></STRONG>Mass Audubon<BR />291 State Highway, Route 6<BR />P.O. Box 236<BR /><IMG alt="Mass Audubon" src="http://web.massaudubon.org/images/content/pagebuilder/10251.gif" align=right border=0 />South Wellfleet, MA 02663<BR />508-349-2615<BR /><A title="E-mail wellfleet@massaudubon.org" href="mailto:wellfleet@massaudubon.org">wellfleet@massaudubon.org</A><BR /><A href="http://web.massaudubon.org/site/R?i=TimDf91bNQiTOXN2JYwgsw..">www.massaudubon.org/wellfleet</A></P>
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