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The January 2006 edition of the "<b>Directory of Cape & Islands Coastal
Outreach Organizations</b>" is now available (online only). The latest version
includes several new organizations as well as updates for the majority of
existing groups, many with new e-mail and web addresses. Log on at (and
be sure to set a bookmark to):
<a href="http://www.whoi.edu/seagrant/directory.html">http://www.whoi.edu/seagrant/directory.html</a>
If you have any questions or comments, we'd like to hear from you. And
remember, it's never too late to make changes or add new listings, so
keep us posted!
Sheri DeRosa
Woods Hole Sea Grant Program
193 Oyster Pond Road, MS #2
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1525
(508) 289-2398
<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:sderosa@whoi.edu">sderosa@whoi.edu</a></pre>