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Please see announcement below, and forward to anyone who may be
<div class="">The Marine Advanced Technology Education Center
(MATE) and UNOLS are excited to announce that applications for
the <b class="">2017 MATE/UNOLS long-term Marine Technician (MT)
internship</b> are now being accepted! Unlike the short-term
MATE MT internships that are designed to expose students to the
field of Marine Technology, this longer internship is designed
for soon to graduate or recently graduated students who are very
interested in pursuing a career as a Marine Technician. The
intensive 6-month program combines at-sea and shoreside
components to help the intern gain more experience with
shipboard science support instrumentation and equipment while
helping him/her develop key skill sets necessary for technical
work. </div>
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<div class="">The exact internship details are still being worked
on, but it is expected that the Bermuda Institute of Ocean
Sciences (BIOS) and Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium
(LUMCON) will serve as joint hosts for the 2017 internship. The
selected applicant will start the internship at BIOS in early
April and spend approximately three months at each location,
helping on ship and shore-side as necessary. During the
internship, the intern will be paid a stipend of $500/week and
will have have all travel and accommodation expenses covered. </div>
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<div class="">For more information about the program and to apply,
please read the instructions and fill out the application form
on our website at: <a
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<div class="">Applications, along with all supporting documents,
are due by January 6th, 2017, 3pm PST. <br>
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<div class="">If you have any questions, please contact me at <a
href="mailto:nsarkar@mpc.edu" class="">nsarkar@mpc.edu</a> </div>
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<div class=""><b class="">Nandita Sarkar</b>, Ph.D.<br class="">
MATE Internship Program Coordinator<br class="">
Monterey Peninsula College, <br class="">
980 Fremont St, Monterey CA 93940<br class="">
<a href="mailto:nsarkar@mpc.edu" target="_blank" class="">nsarkar@mpc.edu</a><br
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